Chapter Ninteen: Approaching the Hate

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     “Oh No.” you said to yourself. No one spoke. Zayn looked at you and with his finger motioned you over to his bed. You walked slowly. Shaking. “What’s this?” he asked holding up your phone. You quickly tried to grab it away from him but he pulled back too fast. “Ah!” he scolded you. You swallowed. “What is this?” he asked again. You sighed, feeling a little bit hot. “My Twitter.” you responded. He gave you a look. Stupid answer. “And what about your Twitter?” he asked. You swallowed again, louder than before. You were getting hotter. Zayn nodded. “Mhhhmmm. That’s what I thought.” he said. Then, you got nervous and a few tears streamed down your face. At first, Zayn didn’t do anything to comfort you. But then he opened his arms. “Come here.” he said. You put your arms aroud him as he held you closely. You were crying a bit more. You felt his lips kiss your forehead. “Why didn’t you tell me this morning?” he questioned as he loosened his griup on you. You wiped your tears and looked into his eyes. “Because I didn’t want you to freak out! I knew you’d freak out on this and I didn’t want it to cause any tension or anything for you! Please!” you pleaded. He sighed. “Okay, fine. That’s a good enough explanation.” he said. “But darlnig, when you’re reading these mentions and theyre bothering you, you have to tell me!” You nodded. You knew he was right. “You have no choice but to tell me actually. Because I need to know what people are saying about you. And if they’re so called ‘Directioners’ they’re not. No Directioner of ours is going to send you hate mentions.” You nodded showing you understood. “And we’re all going to have a takl about this with Eleanor, Danielle and the rest of the boys.” “No!” you shouted. He looked dissapointed. “Yes.” “No!” you said again. He frowned at you. “No, we are whether you like it or not.” “Imagine how they would all feel if they knew someone was sending you these hate mentions. Imagine Eleanor and Dani’s reactions? They’d get all sad and nervous. Louis would just curse up a storm on Twitter if he figured this out! Liam would go on for days about how mean some people are. Harry would deactivate your Twitter if he knew your password!” He was right. “You’re lucky I didn’t.” he then shot at you. Your eyes opened up wider. That’s right again. Zayn knew your password. “Oh..” is all you said. “Mhhhmmm.” “And imagine how Niall would feel?” he questioned. You hated it when Zayn was right. “He’d be crushed.” he said. You agreed. He continued. “So in order to prevent this from happening, we need to have a little meeting about this. It’s all for the better, so none of those reactions from them will come out. It will remain mellow but it’s needed to be spoken aloud.” he finished explaining.

     You nodded, calimg down a little bit. Zayn handed back your phone to you. “Thank you.” you said quietly. Then he quickly ripped out his phone from his back pocket and started typing rapidly. “Zayn what are you doing?” you asked him. He didn’t answer. He was obiously on Twitter. The only way to figure out what he was doing was to check his page. One new tweet. “Anyone sending hate messages to my _____ should really stop. No one knows her as a person and she’s truley incredible and i love her. Thank you xx” You smiled and looked at him. “Thank you Zayn.” you said as you hugged him. He wrapped his arms aroud you and kissed you again. “I’d do anything for you. You know that. And if I had to, I’d die for you.” he told you. Your ears perked up. You pulled away from the hug once he said that. You looked at him with widened eyes. He did the same. “You’d what?” you asked. Zayn chuckled a little bit. “Oh come on _____, don’t act like I’ve never told you that before.” he joked. He was right. He has said that to you before. All you did was smile at him. He smiled back. You knew that Zayn wasn’t kidding when he said that he’ die for you. You knew he wasn’t. “But _____.” he said getting serious. “You gotta promise me that you’ll tell me whenever someone sends you something bad.” You nodded. You saw that there was a little bit of water in his eyes. “I can’t let anything else happen to you.” he said all choked up. You knew what he was reffering to. “Zayn!” you jumped back on his holding him close. You hated it when Zayn cried. He shivered like a little dog in the cold. He cries like a baby when their bottle is taken away from them. It’s unbearable. “Zayn, I can promise you that that won’t ever happen again.” you whispered in his ear. He let go of you, eyes all red and puffy, wiping a tear from his big brown eye. “Do you pinky promise?” he asked holding out his pinky. You chuckled. “I pinky promise.” You intweined your pinky in his. “Thank you.” he responded. You loved him like no one has loved anybody else before. “I love you.” you told him. He smiled. “I love you more.” he answered. “Now come on, let’s go downstairs.” He hopped off his bed. You lead the way to the living room. When suddenly, you got attacked. “Gotcha!” someone shouted as they picked you up from the side and spun you around. “Ahhhhh!” you shouted. You looked over at Zayn who seemed to be enjoying that little surprise attack someone just gave you. You felt your cheek and neck being showered with kisses. Niall. “Ahhhh! Niall let me down!” you told him. “Nope!” he quickly answered and loudly. Zayn was still smiling. Niall then flung you over his right shoulder, holding you by your legs. “You mind Zayn?” he asked for permission. “Of course.” Zayn joked.

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