Chapter Seventy One: Gonna Get Better

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     You woken up to the rays of the sun peering in your hotel room. You slowly lifted your eyelids to expose the sun beating down on you and Niall's bed. You peered over Niall's sleeping body to see Zayn and Harry still asleep. You were careful not to make any sudden movements. "Niall." you whispered lightly to wake him up. "Mmmmm..." he moaned. You smiled. "Niall." you whispered again. "Mmmmm..." he moaned again. This time a little louder and he snuggled closer to you. You laughed quietly. "Come on babe. Wake up." you whispered. He didn't budge. You rolled your eyes. The only way to wake him up was to kiss him awake. You slowly and carefully got down to the level of his lips and kissed him softly. At first there was no reaction, but right when Niall realized what you were doing he started smiling and kissed you back. You knew it would work. You pulled away after a few more seconds. Niall opened both of his eyes, looking quite surprised. "You should really wake me up like that every morning." Niall told you. You started to chuckle. "Possibly." you said. He smiled his biggest smile. You were both staring into eachother's eyes and about to kiss once more when all of the sudden you heard this loud obnoxious snore coming from Zayn and Harry's bed. Niall turned his head and looked at their bed. You leaned above Niall to see Zayn and Harry asleep. Niall slowly lifted himself from his pillow and took it in his hands, getting ready to throw it.

     "Wake up!" Niall screamed as he flung the pillow at Harry from the bed. Harry screamed when it hit him causing Zayn to scream and actually fall down onto the cold floor. You and Niall started going hysterical. Harry quickly spun around and sat upright on his bed and gave you a "What the-?!" face. You couldn't stop smiling. Then you saw Zayn's head pop up from the floor. "Who was it?!" he asked. "It was Niall wasn't it?!" he said in the form of a statement. You nodded with a grin on your face. "That's it Niall!" Zayn said while getting up off the floor and walking towards you guys' bed. You and Harry just watched him. Zayn playfuly grabbed Niall and forced him on his stomach on your bed. You covered your mouth from laughing. Niall tried getting up but Zayn had one arm pinned behind his back. Zayn playfully slapped Niall's bum a few times. "Okay! Ahhhh! Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" Niall screamed as Zayn finally stopped smacking him. Zayn let go of him and chuckled as he took a few steps back. "That's gonna leave a mark." Niall said while rubbing the spot Zayn had slapped him. You, Hazza and Zayn started chuckling. "Well maybe if you hadn't thrown the pillow at me we wouldn't be in this mess!" Harry exclaimed. "It's not our fault that you're an obnoxious snorer. _____ and I were having a moment and you completely ruined it!" Niall shot back at him. Harry put his hands in the air "Oh..." he said sarcastically. "I'm sorry." he said like a teenage girl. You chuckled to yourself.

     The four of you all got up off your beds and walked on into the living room. "Goodmorning." Zayn said as he walked behind you and quickly placed a kiss on your cheek. You smiled. "Morning." you said sweetly. Zayn smiled his cute smile. You all entered the living room. Eleanor and Louis were still asleep. Liam and Danielle on the other hand were already on the couch. "Oh hey!" Liam said while truning around because of hearing you guys enter. Danielle turned and smiled. "Hey." Niall said back. You all took some seats on the couch. "Louis and Eleanor are still asleep. They should be up any moment." Liam told you guys. You all nodded and waited for them to come. Liam and Danielle were looking at the map of the Caribbean while Harry and Zayn were on Twitter. You and Niall on the other hand were cuddled on this big cumfy chair. Nialler was trying to catch up on some sleep. You were on his lap as he was taking a bit of a nap. "Baby Nandos seems tired." Harry said as he looked at both of you guys pleasently. You nodded and smiled. "I guess he is." you said while brushing some of his hair back. He opened his eyes only slightly. "Hey baby." he whispered. You smiled. "You better wake up mister." you whispered back to him. He moaned. Louis and Eleanor then walked in together. "Morning guys." Louis yawned while stretching. "Good morning Lo-" Liam started off saying. "Yay! So this means we can go downstairs and get food now right?!" Niall exclaimed. You all looked at him in shock. "Well goodmorning to you too Niall." Louis said sarcastically. Niall chuckled a bit. "Morning Lou." he said. "Can we go now?!" he wondered. "No point in waiting I guess." Zayn said. Everyone got on some flip flops and headed downstairs to the lobby to the breakfast buffet. You didn't bother changing out of your pajamas.

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