It was the next morning. You had awakened by the soft voice of somebody singing. "Never felt like this before. Are we friends or are we more? As I'm walking towards the door. I'm not sure...." You fluttered your eyes open to see the lovely and beautiful voice of Harry Edwards Styles. You smiled. So did he. "Goodmorning there pretty." he said. Harry sat on the edge of your bed with one hand on your thigh. "Goodmorning." you yawned. You heard him giggle. You sat up straight and rubbed your eyes. You stretched and yawned once more. Harry chuckled again. "So how was your snogging fest with Nialler yesterday?" he asked. You laughed. "Oh Harry." you said. He smiled. "Come on tell me!" he urged you on. You smiled. "It was just a snog that's all." you answered. Harry smiled again. "Well done. Well done." he congratulated you. You laughed. "Now leave me alone Harry." you said as you crashed down onto your bed one more time. You pulled the covers over your head. "Am I hearing attitude young lady?" Harry asked. You chuckled. "If you're giving me attitude, then I'm gonna have to give you this." he said. Suddenly, you felt the covers being ripped off of you and you felt his arms go around you. "Harry! No!" you screamed. Harry grabbed your body and flung you over his shoulders. "You're coming with me!" he cheered. "Ahhhh!" you screamed and laughed. Harry exited your room with you on his shoulders. He went down the stairs. "Harry! Harry! Put me down!" you tried fighting him. His grip was tight. He wouldn't let you go. "I found the sleeping beauty!" Harry said as he finaly placed you down onto the cold kitchen floor. You looked at everyone who was smiling as Harry placed you down. "You're not much of an early person now are you _____?" Danielle asked you. You shook your head. "Absolutely not." you replied. She smirked. You saw Niall eyeing you from the corner of your eye. You smiled, giving him the signal that you saw him. He smiled letting you know he got the message. "So _____!" Liam perked. You jumped a little. You took a seat beside Louis and Eleanor. "Pssst." you heard someone say. You moved your head in the direction the noise was coming from to see Zayn looking at you.
"Goodmorning." he mouthed. You smiled. "Morning." you mouthed back. Zayn started laughing to himself. "So _____...." Liam repeated. You looked at him along with everyone else. "_____, while you were all upstairs we started thinking..." he said. You were listening. "We were all thinking that it would be nice if we were to all go on a vacation." he said. You perked up. "Really?" you smiled. Liam and everyone else in the room nodded. "Yeah!" he said. A vacation couldn't hurt. "I mean, there's been a lot of things happening lately and we thought that it would be nice to just get away from it all." he explained. You actually wanted a vacation more than anything. Not that this wasn't a vacation but it wouldn't hurt to go some place real nice. "Yeah! That's great!" you said. Everyone chuckled at you a bit. "Have you decided where to go?" you asked. Liam shook his head. "We haven't thought about that yet, but today we're gonna discuss it and look up some places online." he said. You nodded. "That's great." you said again. "You said that already." Louis commented. You rolled your eyes. Louis laughed to himself. You all then went off in your little conversations. You were more than pleased to be going on a vacation with the boys. And Liam was right. There were so many things happening at the moment. It's gonna be nice to get away from it all and just enjoy yourselves. You stood up and walked over to the fridge to grab the milk. You felt a pair of hands come up from behind you. They wrapped around your stomach and rested their head on your shoulder. You tilted your head slightly to meet the beautiful blue eyes. "Goodmorning princess." Niall said as he gently kissed your cheek. You smiled. "Goodmorning love." you answered. He smiled and then released his arms. You poured yourself a glass of milk and sat back down at the kitchen table. Niall sat beside you. "So, where do you want to go babe?" he asked. You thought for a moment. You didn't really know what to do or where you wanted to go. You just wanted o go somewhere. Anythere. "I dunno." you said. "Maybe some kind of beachy place." you said. Niall smiled. "Like the Jersey Shore!" he said. You laughed. "Maybe something a little more classier than the jersey shore Niall." you said. He chuckled. You all continued sitting in the kitchen dicussing whatever came to mind.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...