Chapter Nintey Eight: You Saved Me

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     Of course, your immediate reaction was to deny it or think it was a joke. You chuckled. Poor Niall just stood on the side, tilting his head and raising his eyebrows. "What?" he asked so innocently. You looked back into the telescope and looked at the star. Your star. "You bought me a star?" you asked in disbelief. Niall began smiling as he walked towards you. He took a rolled up piece of paper out of his pants pocket. "Yeah I did..." he said as he started unfolding the paper. "Look it." he said. He came over and stood by you. The two of you looked down and examined the paper he was holding.

"International Star Registry

Star #12469 is hereby registered to: _____ _____ ____

Purchased by: Niall James Horan

Signed by: Niall James Horan

Date Purchased: August 31st _____"

     All you could do was look at him. Look at him. You looked up at him and stared at him. You looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He bought you a star. A star. Niall Horan bought you a star of your own. "Niall..." you started saying. "Shhhhh..." Niall cut you off. You still couldn't believe this was happening. Your very own star purchased by one of the most famous boys in the world. Niall Horan.

     "Niall, you really didn't have to do this. It's absolutely mad. It's unbelievable! You do so much for me and I-" you started saying. Niall brought his finger up to your lips. "Shhhhh, shhhh, shhhh." he hushed you down. You stopped speaking. He took one step closer to you and placed a hand on your cheek. He began leaning in. As his lips were approaching yours, he whispered the words "You talk too much..."

     Niall kissed you passionately. He lifted his other hand and placed it on your other cheek. He cupped your face and pressed his lips against yours. He kissed you softly, slowly moving his lips with yours. His tongue brushed against your bottom lip. He held you closer, pulling you in until there was practically no space between you. He removed his hands from your cheeks and lowerred them down to your back, forcing you in to him closer and closer until it hurt. You noticed the tighter he hugged you, the more intense his kissed became. You had your hands on his chest. He pressed down on your lips hard, opening his mouth before his lips hit yours. You pulled away after a good couple of minutes.

     "Okay, okay...." Niall said after he noticed you were pulling away. "I'm stopping, I'm stopping." he smiled as he cupped your face with your hands. You smiled at him, not really wanting to stop. All he did was place a simple kiss on your nose. "Come on princess.." he said as he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. "Let's take you home." Your heart shook. You and Niall returned to the bench you were once at and grabbed your gift bag. You swallowed as you two walked to the van again in silence.  The only problem with what Niall had said to you was, "Let's take you home." was that it wasn't. The One Direction flat wasn't your home.... It was only a summer vacation... And eventually, only a memory....

     It was a couple minutes passed midnight as you walked back into the front doors of your flat. "Careful now..." Niall warned as you stepped into the doorway. "We don't want to wake any-" Click. Yourself and Niall immediately turned around to see Zayn standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall waiting for you to come home. You swallowed again. Niall froze. Zayn started walking over to you slowly. Knowing Zayn, what you thought would happen, would be him asking "Why are you coming back so late? What did you do? Why did it take such a long time?" But no. He stopped walking until he was in front of both of you, not too close yet not too far. You and Niall stood side by side, watching his eyes, wondering what he were to do. With only a few more moments of hesitation, Zayn extended his arms. On that very note, he took both of you into his arms and gave you a hug. You immediately put your left arm around his back. Niall had his right arm aroud him as well. Zayn was hugging both of you aroud your necks. After absolutely no speaking, just a couple moments of Zayn embracing the pair of you, he finally pulled away. You looked him back in the eyes. He sniffled once. Then he went over to Niall and placed his hands on both his shoulders. Niall stared him in the eyes. "Thank you..." Zayn had whispered as he looked Niall in the eyes. Niall smiled at him and said "No Zayn.... Thank you." Zayn smiled his amazing smile. You watched Zayn pull him into a hug. Not one of those lame hugs, but one of those real hugs. He pulled Niall into him, wrapping his arms around his neck as Niall's was wrapped around his stomach. You couldn't help but choke up at the sight. They both pulled away in a matter off time. "Come on now." Zayn said. "Let's get you two to bed..."

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