Chapter Eighty Four: Flat Sweet Flat (Again)

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You felt Niall's hands on your waist as you and him danced along with the others. The concert was over. The boys had just wrapped up singing "Nobody Compares" with you, Danielle and Eleanor on stage. This was an open beach dance party. All of the boys, Eleanor, Danielle and yourself were all dancing along to the music being played through the speakers with all the other fans. It was nice to be able to freely hang out with the fans without them killing all of you for a photo worn autographed. You are dancing with all of them. The music was very loud, the beach was packed. You all had a very good time.

You are surrounded by Liam and Danielle and loads of other fans as you and I'll danced with each other. The fans were leaving you alone respectively. They all understood that this was an open party for everyone to enjoy. Not just for one direction. Niall bent down and yelled into your ear "You having a good time Babe?" He asked. You nodded and said back to him "fantastic." You said. The silver tiara was still on your head. You and Niall continued to grind. You saw some fans taking videos or pictures of you two but you really didn't mind. "You're all mine tonight. No one's going to take you away from me." Niall said into your ear. The music was still loud. Everybody was still dancing. Including Harry. Harry seem to have found himself a fan. He looked in his direction and he looked in yours. You quickly smiled at him. He watched you and I'll danced together as you and Niall watch him grind with some fan. Lucky fan. "Babe." Niall said into your ear. You looked at him. "Kiss me." He said. You had no objection and turning around, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him straight on the lips. No matter who was watching.

"Ooooooohhhhh!" you heard some people say. You and Niall both smiled through the kisses. You were continuously hooking up throughout the night. " Alright guys, let's keep it rated at PG." Liam said sarcastically as he danced with Danielle beside you and Niall. You guys both stopped kissing and laughed at him. You guys looked over at Harry's direction once more time to find that he was still with that girl. Louis and Eleanor were off somewhere dancing and Zayn was just making conversation with the fans. "Babe, is it okay if I go greet some of the fans?" Niall asked you politely. You nodded your head. "Of course!" you assured him. He smiled and bent down to kiss you one more time. "Thanks babe!" he said. Before he walked away to go chat with some of the fans and randomly dance around like an idiot like Zayn was doing. You laughed at him. Liam and Danielle were still dancing beside you. You didn't want to be awkward so all you did was walk away from that area.

"_____! _____!" you heard loads of girls scream as you were walking through the dancing girls. You smiled at them. "_____, can we get a picture?!" they asked. "Sure!" you exclaimed as you got in front of their camera, smiled and posed with them. They all laughed after the shot was taken. "Thankyou so much! We love you!" they said. You smiled. "I love you too!" you laughed. You continued off walking through the packed beach. "_____!" you heard Zayn call, a few feet away from you.You looked over at him to see him motioning you over to him. You made your way to your bestfriend and stood beside him. "_____!" the fangirls screamed as you stood beside Zayn. "Hello!" you smiled and waved. They all started screaching. "Where's Niall?" Zayn asked you. "Oh, he's greeting some fans over there." you said pointing in the direction you were previously at. "Oh." Zayn said. "You wanna dance with me then?" he asked curiously. The girls were blushing and smiling and trying to hold back their screams. You laughed. "Sure!" you said. Zayn smiled and got behind you. He placed his hands on your waist like Niall did and started to grind with you. Only as friends of course. The girls made the "Oooooohhhh!" sound like before. All you and Zayn did was laugh. You both looked back at Niall who was happily speaking with some of the fans and taking pictures.

The beach was coming to a close as it was getting darker and darker outside. The music began to die down and the fans began to settle and leave. You stood at the beach exit with the rest of the boys and the girlfriends, saying goodbye to the leaving fans and thnking them for coming. "Bye!" you and Harry waved to the girl he was dancimg with. "Bye sweetheart." Harry winked at her. She blushed and said "Bye Harry." Harry smirked as he watched her exit the beach with her friends. You bumped hima bit. He looked at you "What?" he asked. You just rolled your eyes. "Got yourself a new friend?" you asked him. He blushed. "Stop it." he said. You laughed. "Get her number?" you asked him. He smiled and pulled a small piece of paper out of his pocket. "Right here." he said. You smiled. So did he as he put the paper back into his pocket. Niall walked up beside you and smiled. "Hi." he said cheekily. You grinned. "Hi." you mimicked him. He made a face. You continued saying goodbye to the fans until you were the only ones left on the beach. Louis yawned. Followed by Eleanor. "Bedtime?" Zayn asked them. Louis and Eleanor nodded together eithout saying anything. You all smirked as Liam called over a cab. "Take Me Home." Louis complained. You all started laughing at him. The irony. The cab driver took you all home as Louis requested.

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