You woke up the next morning. You stretched and yawned. You slowly moved your hand to your side dresser to pick up your phone. You didn’t feel a phone. You felt around the dresser a little more. No phone. You sat up and got confused. Then you thought. “Oh no.” you said to yourself. You threw the covers off of you and stormed into Zayn’s bedroom. You foud him laying on his bed, awake, going through your phone. “Zayn!” you yelled running over to him. He giggled. You tried grabbed it from him but he pulled away. “Eh eh eh!” he teased. You made a face. “Zayn, you can’t just go through my phone!” you scolded. He raised his eyebrows. “Technically, I am the one responsible for you for the summer. So. I can do whatever I want. I am the authority.” he said. You raised your eyebrows. “Oh really?” you asked. He nodded. You tried grabbing it again. “Hey!” Zayn said. You missed. Zayn smiled at you. You bit your lip. “So may I ask who Jacob is?” he wondered crossing his arms. You made a face. “Urgghhh!” you complained. Zayn giggled again. “He’s just this guy I met yesterday at the botique with Eleanor.” you said. Zayn nodded. “And he just asked you for your number?” Zayn asked. You nodded somewhat. “Well I kind of fell yesterday. He picked me up and we just started a conversation. He asked if I wanted to hang out with him today.” “Aha!” Zayn screamed. You jumped. “What?” you asked shocked. “That’s why you were wondering if we were doing anything today! You’re going on a date with him!” he said. You rolled your eyes. He was brighter than he looked. He smiled. “_____, I don’t know about this.” he told you. To be honest you didn’t either. “The whole Niall thing and whatever. Now you’re gonna go out with another guy and…” he started. “I know Zayn. I know.” you said. He smiled. “But I promised him I’d hang out with him today. So just one day okay?” you asked. He nodded. “Okay. As long as I meet him if you actually start liking him.” he said. You were shocked that he was actually allowing you to go hang out with this other guy right after this whole Niall drama. “Ummmm.. Zayn.” you said. “Yes?” he questioned. You bit your lip. “Ummm.. Are you still mad at Niall?” you asked. Zayn moaned and rolled his eyes. You guessed that was a yes. “Zayn, come on. You can’t be mad at him forever. You’re in a band with him.” you said. He sighed. “I know.” he said. “But still. What he did to you was unacceptable. And I warned him not to do it and he did it anyways.” Zayn defended. You wanted him to get over it already. You did. “Have you spoken to him since?” you asked. He shook his head no. “Just make up with him please.” you begged. He groaned.
“Maybe.” he said. You sighed. He’d have to get over it eventually. Your phone went off in his hand. His eyebrows raised. You jumped on th bed tackling him before he could read the message. “Ahhhhh! _____, what are you doing?!” he asked. You grabbed the phone and layed on top of Zayn it was from Jacob. “Goodmorning :)” it read. You replied back. “Morning!!” “_____, get off me!” Zayn said pushing you off him. You fell on the floor. “Ow!” you said. You got up and went back into your room and shut the door. Jacob replied “Are we stll on for today?” you answered “Yeah. I haven’t eaten breakfast but I’ll see you within a half hour.” He replied back “Okay, we’ll get something there. See you soon :)” “Bye :)” you replied. You shut your phone and got ready. You threw on these short blue shorts and a blank tank top. You brushed your teeth, did your hair and makeup and then exited. You went downstairs to see everyone in the living room. “_____!” Louis cheered. You smiled and grabbed the car keys. “We thought you were dead.” Harry joked. You smiled at him. “Where are you going?” Liam asked. You met eyes with Eleanor who was giving you th look. “Out.” you said. “Out where?” Harry asked. You looked at Zayn. He kept his mouth shut. “I’m going to meet somebody.” you said. Right after those words left your mouth you saw Niall flinch. You noticed that he tensed up. “Really? Like who?” Louis asked. “Enough questions! I’m gonna be late!” you said. You walked out the door and started making your way to the van. You put the keys in and drove to the botique you were at yesterday. You got out, parked the car, put your sunglasses on and walked out to the botique. You went to the exact same place you and Jacob met. There he was. He was wearing some tan shorts and a grey v neck shirt and some Raybands on his face. “Hey!” he smiled as he saw you approaching. “Hi!” you said back. You and him both hugged and he smiled. “So you’re hungry?” he asked. You nodded. “A little bit.” you said. He smiled and put his arm aroud your waist. “Come on. I’ll get you something.” he said. Jacob and you made your way to the nearby deli. “What would you like?” he asked. You thought. “I think I’m gonna get a bacon and egg on a roll.” you said. Jacob nodded and walked up to the register. “One bacon and egg please.” he said. You stopped him. “What are you doing?” you asked. He shrugged. “Buying you breakfast.” he said with a smile. “No, wait don’t I-” “Here you are.” the man said as he handed it to him. Jacon handed him a five. You sighed. “Thank you.” he said. He then turned around, grinned and handed it to you. “Thank you. But really, you didn’t need to do that.” you said. He shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.” he said. You sighed and sat down together and ate your breakfast. You spoke about random things and got to know eachother well. His name was Jacob Watson. He played soccer and was an honor roll student. He had two siblings, one younger brother and one older sister. He lived with him and his mom. He was in the same year as you. You started to walk around after breakfast. He put his arm aroud your waist as you and him wandered around some places. You came into a tent with some jewerly. “These are really pretty.” you said looking at a cross bracelt. Jacob came over to you and took a look at it. “You want it?” he asked. You shook your head. “No!” you lied. Jacob smiled. “Come on. Do you want it? I’ll buy it for you.” he said. “No!” you repeated. “No, it’s fine.” you said. Jacob raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure?” he asked. You nodded. “Positive.” you answered. He smiled. “Come on, let’s keep looking.” he said. You and Jacob contiued walking around a little. Then music started playing. There was a stage in the empty green feild. Jacob stopped in his tracks on the grass feild. You turned, looking at him puzzled. “What?” you asked smiling. “You wanna dance?” he asked. You hated dancing.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
أدب الهواة*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...