Chapter Forty Three: Comforting

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     You held in your tears. You didn’t cry. You sighed as you heard the Irish lad cry. You went into your room, slammed the door shut and just took a few deep breathes. No tears. No nothing. After a few minutes, you heard a knock on the door. “Zayn?” you asked. It wasn’t Zayn. It was Eleanor. She opened the door. “_____?” she asked peeking in. You gave her a fake smile. She sighed and went inside, closing the door behind her. She went over to you and pulled you into a hug. After a few quiet moments of just huging one another, she pulled back and looked at you. “The boys told me what happened.” she said. You nodded. “Did they?” you asked. She nodded her head sadly. “I’m so sorry.” she apologized. You wondered why she was apologzing. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.” you answered. “But there is.” she replied. “Niall loves you _____.” she told you. You bit your lip. Eleanor nodded. “Mhhhmmm. He does.” she said. You got a tad nervous. “We just need a break. That’s all.” you answered. She sighed again. “Do you mind me asking…” she started. “What happened in there?” she wondered. You swallowed and explained the story. You could tell she was listening with all her heart. She nodded and didn’t interrupt without the occasional question. She made a face once you were finished explaining. “I don’t blame you for wanting a break.” she first said. You nodded, agreeing. “But I do also understand how much Niall loves you.” she said. You frowned. “I know.” you said. “I know.” you repeated. She placed a hand on your back and rubbed it up and down, comforting you. After a few moments, a knock on the door. In came Harry and Louis. “Hey.” Louis said calmly with no emotion. “Hey.” you said the same way he did. Without any words, Harry just came over to you and hugged you. He didn’t let you go. You held onto him tight. “I’m so sorry.” he whispered in your ear before kissing it. You let go and smiled. “Don’t be sorry Harry.” you said.

     “Well..” Louis started saying. He sat down on the bed beside his girlfriend. “Niall is broken.” he said. You felt bad. “He is?” you asked. “Mhhmmm..” Louis nodded. “He’s crying like no other man has cried ever before. Liam’s in there trying to sooth him.” he said. You didn’t like it when he cried. You pouted. “So are you guys over?” Louis then asked after a few seconds of silence. You nodded. “For now.” you answered. Louis bit his lip and looked at the ground. “Do you think you’ll ever get back together?” Harry asked sitting beside you. You shrugged. “I dunno.” you said. You probably were though. How awkward is it having to see the boy that cheated on you every day of your life now? All of you sat there in quiet. “You know _____, there’s something you have to be aware of.” Louis started. You looked at him. “You need to help calm down Zayn.” he said. You completetly forgot. Zayn. “Oh right…” you said slowly. You looked around and thought. “Speaking of Zayn, where is he?” you asked. Everyone in the room bit their lips. “Where is he?” you repeated. “Last time we saw him…” Eleanor spoke up. “He was furious the minute you and Niall walked upstairs. You could practically see the steam rising from his head.” she said. You didn’t like that. “He was trying to control himself but just couldn’t. He found a little glass cup on the table, picked it up and threw it against the wall.” That made sense. That’s what you heard from upstairs. “Oh.” you said slowly. “No one got hurt right?” you asked. They shook their heads. That made you feel alittle better. “No, luckily not.” Louis answered. They still didn’t answer your question. “You still didn’t answer me.” you said. They looked at you. “Where’s Zayn?” you asked again. No one answered at first. “We don’t know.” Harry said. “After he threw the glass against the wall, he stormed outside and slammed the door shut. We figured he wanted to take a walk or something.” You knew exactly where he was. He was at his little hiding spot again. You sighed. You didn’t let them know you knew where he was. You decided to give him some time. Maybe he’ll come back on his own this time. You didn’t speak. Silence once again. It was aroud 3:00. “Come on.” Louis said. You all looked up and he stood. “We should go downstairs.” he said. You all got up together and went downstairs. You all slowed down a little when passing Niall’s room. You heard nothing. But you had the feeling he was still in there. You went downstairs and took a seat on the couch. You all tried speaking on normal terms. Talking about how the concerts were otherwise, how the fans acted, some stories. Niall was still on your mind though. When it approached 5:00, you heard Liam come down the stairs. “Hey.” he said. He jogged over to you and tooka seat beside you. Awkward silence. “So?” Louis asked. “How’s Niall?” Liam sighed and looked down. It tugged at your heart a little. “Not good.” he answered. That tugged a little harder.

     “He says that he won’t be coming out of his room tonight.” You figured. Lock himself up in his room and not speak to anyone. Just like he did before he asked you out and when you got into that huge arguement. “Let him be.” you said. Everyone looked at you. Then the looked at the TV. Eleanor turned it on to a random channel to get the awkwardness away. Liam leaned in and whispered into your ear “Niall told me to tell you he loves you.” Another hard tug. You didnt’ respond. You couldn’t. How could you? You ignored it and watched TV with the others. Liam’s eyes went down. An hour later. 6:00. Still no sign of Zayn. It was dinner time. You all just microwaved some chicken that was in the fridge and ate that. You could feel the tension in the air. The silence, the depression, the thoughts. Liam, Louis, Eleanor and Harry attempted to make conversation with eachother and what not in order to get the minds off of the whole situation with you and Niall. At times it worked. At times it didn’t. Liam finished first. He got up, went into the kitchen and took an extra plate of food. “I’m gonna go see if Niall wants to eat.” he said. You nodded and Liam went upstairs. “Still no sign of Zayn?” Harry asked. You shook your head. “You know where he is don’t you?” Eleanor asked. You didn’t want to lie. So you shook your head “Yes.” She smiled. “Alright, well give him a little more time. How about one hour? If he’s not back within an hour, go get him.” Louis instructed. You nodded and continued eating. Liam came back down with the extra plate in his hand. “Says he didn’t want any.” Liam explained while setting the plate down on the table. Whenever Niall denied food, you knew something was bad. You all finshed eating. “I’ll clean up.” you offered. You got the dishes and glasses and went into the kitchen. You placed them in the sink and started to rinse them. You felt someone come up from behind you. Louis. “_____.” he said. You turned and looked him in the blue – green eyes. “Yes?” you asked. He shut the water off and turned you around, forcing him to look at you. “_____, thsi will all get better alright?” he asked. You fake smiled and nodded. He could tell you weren’t satisfied. “Believe me.” he said. You sighed and shook your head. Louis gave you a smile and pinched your cheek. You put on another a smile. A real one though. So did he. He even smirked a little. “Come on love. You go inside, I’ll do the dishes.” he offered. You didn’t argue. You smiled, thanked him and went into the living room. You met Liam, Harry and Eleanor on the couch. You sat down and watched whatever they were watching. Louis came back within a few minutes. A half hour passed. No Zayn. Forty Five minutes. No Zayn. An hour. No Zayn. You wanted to go get him. You stood up from the couch and got a little sweater. It was a breezy night. You made your way to the front door. “I’m gonna go get Zayn.” you told them.

     They all nodded and motioned you to go on. You smiled and shut the door. You started walking to Zayn’s destination. You were surprised that none of the boys ever found out about it. The whole way there, you were thinking about Niall. About how he treated you perfectly. How he sang to you and kissed you in front of hundreds of thousands of fangirls. How he said he loved you. How he said he wanted you. How he said he needed you. All of that. You got red at the thought. You were only a few more yards away from Zayn. “Zayn?” you called. No answer. “Zayn.” you called again, getting closer to the little cave. “Zayn.” you said once more. He was there. You looked at him, him at you. Your heart stopped. Tears filled your eyes. “Zayn?!” you yelled, looking at him. His eyes looked guilty as they looked at you. There sat Zayn, in a little bawl, inside his cave witha cigarette in between his lips.

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