"Hello everyone!" Louis said happiy into the video camera. Only 10 seconds into the stream and there was about 300,000 people viewing live. Directioners were powerful. Louis was the only one visible to the camera at the moment. He was wearing a ninja mask and holding a Nerf water gun. That's right. You were about to have a water fight inside your flat while live streaming it to the thousands of fans watching. "As you can tell..." Louis began speaking in his ninja voice. You chuckled to yourself. You and Niall were hiding behind the couch with silly masks on while holding your water guns. It was every man for himself. "I am wearing a mask and holding a dangeous water gun." he continud saying in his voice. Somehow Louis managed to set a mini camera in all your gear you were wearing and hook it up to Twitcam. There as eight of you. So on the viewer's screen would be eight squares with your name on top of them. They would be seeing what you were seeing.
"That's right ladies and gents!" Louis proclaimed to the viewers who were sky rocketing now. "One Direction featuring a few very special ladies will be participating in a very, VERY intense game on water fighting." Louis said. You were all scattered throughout the house. Since the flat itself was huge, there was going to be a difficult time findng each other and it would be very intersting. "Now... I'm going to switch it to the player's cams." Louis said. Louis switched the camera to all eight of you. Your boxes were now on the laptop screen. They saw what you saw. You quickly looked at Niall. Niall looked at you. This means te viewers saw it too. You avoide conversation. They could heard you as well. "And with that said..." Louis said dramatically. "Let the games begin!" he yelled. He started playing some dramatic music to get the mood going. You were all off and he games began.
You and Niall quickly parted ways and ran in different directions. You were all running frantically around the house trying to find each other. A few seconds into te game it was quiet. You were sure to be quiet so no one could hear you. "Ahhhhhh!" you heard a scream. It sounded like Liam from upstairs. You darted up the stairs with your gun and bursted where the noise was coming from. Harry and Zayn were getting Liam pretty badly. He was soaked. Harry and Zayn were laughing their heads off. Suddenly, you shot both of them. Zayn was so shocked he actually dropped his gun and looked at you. Attention was drawn to you by Liam, Zayn and Harry. You winked at them and sutomatically ran back downstairs as fast as you could. "Let's get her!" you heard Harry scream. They all chased you down the stairs asa you were laughing. Right as you got to the bottom staircase, someone lifted you over their shoulders. Niall.
"No one go near the Princess! I will protect you m lady!" he screamed as he shot Liam, Harry and Zayn who were still on the stairs. Now all of them were slowly bending backwards because of all the water that was hitting them. You couldn't stop laughing as Niall ran around the house with you over his shoulder. Where was Louis, Eleanor and Danielle? Niall was making his way into he kitchen where all the lights were off. "What the?" Niall said as he entered the dark kitchen. He switched the light on. Automatically, he ws attacked by Danielle, Eleanor and Louis. "Gotcha!" Louis screamed as he shot Niall good in the face. Niall duced as you squirmed out of his grasp. You were now on the floor facing Eleanor and Danielle as Louis was jumping Niall. "_____?!" Niall screamed as he was trembling to the floor as Louis jumped on his back. "She will never save you!" Louis screamed. You all laughed. You were still facing the other girls. "Looks like the battle of the girlfriends." Danielle winked. "Bring it on." you replied. You heard the other three making noise in the other room. "Ouch!" you heard someone yell. It was most posotively Harry. It was his turn to get beat up.
You, Eleanor and Danielle went at it as Louis and Niall were wrestling on the floor. Danielle shot at Eleanor. El covered her face. You shot Danielle. Danielle stopped shooting Eleanor and ran away. You and Eleanor chsed her around the house. Leaving the boys downstairs you and Eleanor lead Danielle into Liams room, closing her in the corner. You were about to drench her when she said "Wait, wait, wait!" You and Eleanor shockingly stopped. "I say we get the guys..." she said while smiling. You all looked at each other and smiled deviously.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...