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Eren pov
"Okay here's plan..."
They all leaned in closer curious about it. I smirk.

"I'm going to take Mikasa and run away with her then we can live peacefully together for the rest of our lives. "

I heard groans of disagreement. "You can't just kidnap Mikasa how do you even know she wants to be with you for the rest of her life she's still young you know.. " Armin told me with his hand on my shoulder.

He's right Mikasa might want to break up with me one day. But things are so good now why would she ever want to break up.

"Don't be stupid Armin of course she'll want to be with me forever. "

"How are you so confident about that you only met her a few months ago! " Jean said with a mean face.  "Well you all only met her a few months ago too!  Don't you think she'll be your friend forever now? " I defended.

"Friend and girlfriend are two different things idiot! " Connie said.
"You're an idiot Connie"

Sasha toppled over laughing  "he's right you are an idiot! " "who are you calling an idiot! "

I ignored their argument because in the end they're both idiots. What if Mikasa does break up with me?  What would I do then?

Reiner fake yawned and he got up with Annie and Bertold to leave. "You guys wanna come eat with us? " that got everyone's attention and we all agreed.

We went to a hibachi restaurant everyone (especially Sasha)  was getting their minds blown by the food but I was too distracted.

How can I know Mikasa will be with me forever?  I never want to lose her but if she wants to break up I'll have no choice but to accept her decision.

"Wow Mister Niccolo this food is amazing!  You're a genius! " Sasha cried out. I looked at my plate that I hadn't touched yet and I decided to try some. 

As soon as I put the food in my mouth I choked up. "This is so good!!" " I ate it so quickly I got the hiccups after.

Back at Armin's house I sat and watched as Annie gave him a haircut they were talking about something but I wasn't listening as thoughts of Mikasa came to my mind again.

"Eren.. "

"Eren! "

I blinked "what's up? "

"Don't 'what's up' me you're the who's been staring into space all day what's wrong? " Annie asked.

I pouted "I'm not telling you, you're a stinky old girl. "

She threw a shoe at me"You dumb ass your girlfriend is a girl! "

I dodged the shoe and sighed. "Yeah I know.. "Armin looked up from the mirror. "Are you upset about what happened earlier? "

I shifted in my seat.

"Eren it's not that big of a deal we all know Mikasa loves you. "

"But I want her to love me forever Armin, how can I know she'll want to be with me forever? "

"You could marry her" he suggested and laughed with Annie.
I sat up straighter. "That's it!  I'll marry Mikasa then we can be together forever! "

Armin's arms flew up "wait a second I was being sarcastic!  You guys are too young to make a decision as big as marriage! " he exclaimed but I wasn't listening.  I shot up to get dressed.

"I'm gonna buy a ring I'll be back later! "

I ran out the door with Armin calling my name behind me.

I drove to the mall and I walked into the fancy jewelry store. I examined all of the rings until I heard a voice behind me.  "Can I help you sir? "

I turned around to see an older man standing there. I nodded gulping.  "What are you looking for?" He asked.
"A ring.. Engagement ring. " I said. He raised an eyebrow. "You look a little young to be getting engaged.. This person must be very special? " I nod. "She is she's really special. "

"Then I'll gladly help you find an engagement ring. What size is her finger? "

Oh crap I have no idea..

I guessed and he brought out some rings in that size. "You can take a look at these I'll bring some more if you don't like them. " he told me then he walked away to help someone else. 

I stared at the rings long and hard but I didn't like any of them. I asked for more but I didn't like them either.  I looked at the clock and I noticed it's been hours.  I sigh and decided to give up. I waited for the man to return so I can give them back and a very old woman approached me.

"Young man I've seen you looking at all of those rings and you didn't like any of them. I know what it's like to be young and madly in love. The girl you want to marry is she your age? "

I nod "yes ma'am"

"Ah then don't be too upset if she isn't ready to marry you right now some people don't get married until they are well into their thirties. "

I smiled feeling comforted by her words.  She took my hand and placed something in it. I looked at it.

A ring.

"This was my wedding ring but my husband is dead so I want you to have it now. "

I gasped "No ma'am I can't just take this!"

She smiled at me "don't worry about it my husband would have wanted you to have it. I don't have any children or anyone to give this to. Please take it for me at least. "

I stared down at the ring. "Okay.. Thank you so much ma'am it's beautiful. " she pinched my cheek and laughed. "No thank you darling. Good luck with your relationship! " she walked away and the man came back taking the rings with him. He gave me a box for the ring and I paid a small price for it then I left the store.  When I got in my car I kept looking at the ring.

Beautiful just like Mikasa.


did you see bts got robbed at the grammys? 😭😭😭
they don't need it either way they're perfect 💜

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