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Eren pov

"Wow you've gone insane"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not insane I love Mikasa we should be married by now. "
Armin sighed looking in the mirror at his new haircut.  "Don't you think it's too soon to be marrying anyone? You've only known Mikasa for a few months. "

"That just makes me want to marry her even more!  If I don't someone else will get her I want her to be mine forever. " I stare at the ring in my hand. I slip it on to my finger but it's too small.  I try pulling it off but it doesn't work.  I look up at Armin "help me it's stuck! " I say panicked. 

Armin turned to me and laughed "I think this is a sign. " he walked to me and tried pulling it off. But it didn't budge.  I curse myself for being dumb enough to put it on.  I got my phone and texted everyone asking for suggestions.

Try butter or something.

I got up to look in the fridge"Armin!  Where's the butter? " he walked in after me. "My grandpa doesn't eat butter.. Says it's not good for our hearts so yeah.. " I groaned and cursed Armin's grandfather for caring about their health. "I'm going to the store. "

I drive to the store and I try to move quickly to get to the butter.  I stop when I hear someone calling my name.  I turn around confused until I see Historia smiling and walking towards me. "Hey Eren!  Whatcha doing? " I looked down at her smiling gently. "I came for butter. " I say.

"Some butter? But you're a terrible cook? "

I pout "I'm not going to cook I got my damn finger stuck in this ring. " I held up my hand showing her.  She looked at it and gasped. "That's so dangerous!  Come on I'll help you get it off. "

She took me to a room and she put butter on my finger she pulled it and I screamed "Ow!  Stop let me do it you're hurting me! " she groaned "stop being a baby and let me do it! " she pulled harder and I cried out until the ring finally slipped off.  I sigh in relief seeing my finger turn back to it's normal color.

I flex my hand and smile "wow thanks that really hurt! " she inspected the ring. "What are you doing with this kind of ring anyway?  Did it belong to your mother? ". I took it back. "No it belonged to some old lady I met at the mall." She looked up at me "Eren you stole a ring from an old woman! " she smacked me on the head.

"Ow what the hell I didn't steal it! " I rubbed my head. "She gave it to me I couldn't find anything I liked for Mikasa so she gave me this one it seems more special for some reason. "

"At least you didn't steal it. But why would you get a ring for Mikasa it's not like you're.. Proposing. "

I shrugged"I am proposing I want to marry Mikasa. " Historia gasped "ARE YOU SERIOUS??" I nodded calmly. "I really like Mikasa I want to be with her forever so I'm going to ask her to marry me. "

"Eren.. That's way too soon have you even met her family? "

I shook my head "well no but I can do that later. It doesn't matter now. I'm going to propose as soon as I see her. "

Historia sighed. "That's a horrible idea Mikasa looked really upset earlier I don't think she needs more stress from you. " she explained. My eyes widened "wait have you seen Mikasa today? "  she choked a little.

"I- no what do you mean?  She's been gone. "

"You said she looked upset earlier don't lie Historia! "

She sighed deeply "Fine I saw her. She came her shopping and she made me promise not to tell anyone my big dumb mouth. " she groaned.  "Don't tell anyone she's back she's going through something horrible we need to give her space I trust you okay? " I nod.

She made Historia promise not to tell us she's here..I need to know what's going on.

"And promise me you won't propose to her this isn't the time even if she wasn't going through something like this you're both too young.  If she says no you'll be hurt and you've been hurt enough lately so promise you'll take it easy with girls for a while yeah? "

She held up her pinkie.

"..yeah" I said joining our pinkies.

She smiled "I have to get back to work I'll see you later"  I put the ring in my pocket and left the store .

I drove back to Armin's house and I packed my stuff.  Armin looked up from his manga and he quickly looked back down again."what are you doing? " he asked.

"I'm going back to my house I think  ready for it now. " he put the manga down and stood up. "Are you sure eren? You can stay with me longer if you want.. Don't force yourself. " I shook my head. "No I'm going to go home there's no use being afraid of my own house. "

Armin sighed and helped me pack up. We drove back to my house and he dropped me off. "Call me if you need anything. " he says I nod saying goodbye and going into my own home.

Everything looks pretty normal.  I took a deep breath and went into my room again. I set my things on my bed and I went to shower.  When I got out I put everything away and took a nap. 

When I woke up I read all the messages I missed and to my surprise there was one from Mikasa.

Mikasa 😇💜-
Hi everyone! I miss you all I want to meet up and talk with you! We can go anywhere you want! I'll pay💕

I woke up fully and read everyone's responses they all seemed excited and we agreed we'd go skating.  I frowned.

I suck at skating .

But at least I'll be with her.


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