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Eren pov

I put Mikasa's clothes in my car and went to the store.When I got to the store and look for something to eat when I saw my science teacher Ms Zoë.  I didn't want her to see me because I'm failing her class.  I go to the next isle hut unfortunately for me she did too.  "Eren! Hi! " I groan quietly then smile.  "Hi Ms. Zoë wh-" she cut me off "oh honey we aren't at school call me Hange! " I nod "Why are you here? " I ask "I needed some groceries but I'm happy I ran into you because I needed to speak with you about something "  Please Please Please don't let it be about my grades "what did you want to talk about? " I ask .

notaboutmygradesnotaboutmygradesnotaboutmygrades "it's about your grade in my class, Eren you're failing I think you need a tutor"  I grab onto the end of my shirt "what n-no I don't need a tutor! " she shook her head "Eren it's for the best now I just need to find someone to tutor you.... Wait!  I could do it! " my eyes widened nononono " yes we would have so much fun together!" She took out a pen and paper "Here's my address come over to my house on Monday at 5"  How do you get out of this? " Ms. Zoë I really do-" she out her finger in my mouth  "shut honey there's no need to thank me just be there and be there in time I have to go byeee!" She walked away leaving me dumbfounded.  I sighed and left the store not getting any food fearing that I could run into my math teacher too.  I drove got in my car and checked my phone.


Mikasa's adress is


I type it into my GPS and go to her house. The others must already be there. I sit in my car and stare at the house for a little bit.  Why am I nervous to go in there and talk to her?  After about 5 minutes I got all of my courage and went to  ring the doorbell. 

I waited fir a few seconds then the door opened Mikasa smiled but then stoped."Hey" I said. "E-Eren?" She asked. I nodded and smiled happy to see her gorgeous face "Why are you here?" She asked. I got confused "oh you didn't know? Well Sasha texted us and said guys are allowed to the sleepover so I thought I should come too!" I said happily trying not to sound embarrassed that she didn't know I was coming.  She closed the door on me . I sighed.  I knew this was a bad idea . I was about to turn around when she opened the door again I looked at her confused. "S-Sorry come in!" She stuttered looking adorable  I smiled and she moved back so I could come inside. She looked at the clock on the wall so I did too"You're early" she said I turned to her. "I know I just wanted some alone time with you again. Last time was so much fun" I mentally face palmed. you're kidding me right that's so stupid why didn't you just say you didn't know when to come?!?!. I looked in her eyes but she quickly looked in a different direction. "Yeah it was...I guess" she said. It felt awkward. She motioned for me to sit down with her . It was silent for a bit. But it wasn't awkward silent. It was comfortable. 

I sat up straighter trying to make conversation then I remembered."U-uhm you left your clothes at my house I have them in my car.." I said"that's okay just keep them" she said I blushed. "What?" I asked what am I going to do with her clothes? She blushed and shook her head. "I don't know I'm a little off at the moment" she laughed. Adorable. I laughed with her. "I'll go get them for you " I stood up and went out to my car. When I got there I got her clothes holding them close they smell so good like rain and vanilla. I went back inside and sat on the couch. I saw her coming down the stairs I smiled as she came closer to me.   I gave her her clothes and she thanked me "Here's yours " she said holding them up for me I looked at them and put her hand down. "Keep them" I winked. She blushed omygosh so cute "You're super flirty you know that?" She said laughing a little I shrugged" What can I say, I've got a weakness for pretty girls!" She blushed again and went to put our clothes back upstairs. I waited for her hitting myself in the head for being such a flirt. If Hitch ever found out...

She came back down the stairs and I heard her phone ding.  She paused to text on it then she  continued to walk down the stairs and sat next to me again"You've got a nice house Mikasa" I said admiring everything "Thanks it's not usually like this but my Aunt just went crazy with these cute and pastel decorations she has so much baby fever now a days which sucks because she can't have any ch-" she stopped herself and looked away "chihuahuas.... if she were to have a baby then she'd have to get rid of her chihuahua who she loves very much" she was hiding something but I didn't mind.  There was an awkward silence for a bit then the door bell rang. She jumped a little then got up to look through the same hole in the door.

She opened the door  to Sasha Historia Annie and Jean. "Hi!" She said. "Hey Mika the others are coming soon" I smiled to our friends Mikasa looked confused. She told them all to come in and sit down."So Mikasa what do you have planned for tonight?" Annie asked her she put her hands up in defense "I'm not sure" she says

"That's okay we'll figure it out later. "  Historia  said . We waited about ten minutes and then the doorbell rang again. I saw Mikasa jump slightly. She went to answer it and  Ymir, Reiner, Connie,Marco, Mina, Bertolt and Armin cane in "Sorry we were late I stopped to get some snacks for Sasha" Connie said with love. "Oh Connie thank you so much!" She said staring at the food with love. She invited the rest in so now there was twelve . We sat down on the couches for a bit. It was a little boring but i enjoyed being near Mikasa."oh I know let's watch a movie!" She said.  We all agreed and we started searching for a movie. Eventually we found one called Ju On. A movie from 2002. I watched some if it when I was little but I was too scared to finish the movie. She pressed on it and  we got comfortable. Historia  snuggled up close to Ymir. I looked at the TV screen scared for what we're about to watch.  C'mon Eren you aren't little anymore it's just a movie .

No matter how much I tried to convince myself the movie was still terrifying but somehow I couldn't look away. I didn't even realize Mikasa had moved closer to me  I could tell she was scared so I put my seen m arm around her.  But then she moved away.  I felt pretty sad but decided to let it go.  The movie ended about an hour and a half later and we all sat up scared. Mina stood and turned on the lights looking around for little ghost boys named Toshio.

Historia spoke first"I-I'm scared." She said " oh Historia it's okay let's get married after this sleepover alright?"  Ymir said. Historia nodded and hugged her.  "But we should really do something else" Marco said. "Yeah" we said "Ooohh I know let's play spin the bottle" Reiner said standing up.  I looked at Reiner with wide eyes. Will I get to kiss  Mikasa? "What's spin the bottle?"  She asked can I just hold her and protect her forever?  Everyone gasped. "Oh this is gonna be fun" Ymir said smirking. I rolled my eyes

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