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Mikasa pov

He looked down at me, "Are you all right miss? I didn't mean to bump into you. " I read the name tag again. "You're doctor Jaeger? "He nodded and held out his hand "Yes nice to meet you. I'm sorry to cut our conversation short but I have some work to do. I'll see you around kid. "He walked away and I watched.

He could have the same name..

Names are coincidental but his face, he looks so much like Eren's father. Eren never mentioned a sibling though and he and his parents are all brunettes. This man was blonde.

Im probably just tired that guy looks nothing like doctor Jaeger it was just a coincidence.

I didn't want to leave uncle levi so I slept at the hospital. Aunt Petra's parents left and started to plan her funeral.

It was held a week after her death, she looked so different. Her eyes that were usually bright and cheerful were closed. She had makeup on but she still didn't have the same glow as she did before. I guess that kind of perfection is impossible to recreate. Because of his injuries Uncle Levi was unable to attend the funeral. He told me he didn't want to go anyway.

My uncle was never a super cheerful person he'd always been serious and he seemed like a grumpy old man but I could tell he was broken. I know he'll never find a love like Aunt Petra again. He was released from the hospital a few weeks later they offered to get a caretaker for him but I volunteered instead, I know he'd murder the poor guy for not cleaning properly.

I drove us to his house and helped him into bed for a nap.  When I was sure he was asleep I walked around thinking of Petra. Her garden was dying and the house didn't smell of sweets like it usually did. It all seemed dull and gray. After a few hours I took a tray and I went to bring Uncle Levi some of his favorite tea. I was about to knock on the door when I heard soft sobbing. I wanted to go in and comfort him but I know he wouldn't like that too much. I decided to leave him alone a little longer and I tried to recreate one of Aunt Petra's recipes. It was fun and nostalgic I remember being a child and making dinner with her while Uncle Levi moaned and groaned about the mess we were making and how long it would take to clean.

We were a happy little family and now we'll never be the same again.

I sat on the floor crying hiding my fave in my hands for what seemed like eternity until I heard a sigh. "Would you get off the floor you'll mess up your clothes. "I looked up to see my Uncle with his hand reached out. I took it and stood up. He helped me fix my clothes and he took a look around.

"Did you try to make it like Petra would?"

"Yeah.. "

"It's disgusting. "

I gasped "Whaat!  It can't be that and I've made this like a million times with her! " I quickly take a bite to judge for myself.

It's disgusting.

"Clean up I'll order something. "

I started to clean as he said but I stopped when I heard my phone buzz again. I looked at it seeing all the messages and missed calls and voice mails.

I really need to tell everyone what happened. I need to talk to Eren.

I miss him so much and I'm not even with him while he's in the hospital. I decide to give a little update to them.

Hey Everyone. Something really important happened and I'm going to be dealing with it for a while I hope you can all forgive me for not responding to your messages. I'm not sure when I'll be back but I promise to explain everything. Bye ❤️

I sent the message to the group chat but I didn't send it to Eren. I want to give him a special message.


Hey Eren. I miss you so much and I wish I could be there for you right now. There's something important I have to deal with now I don't know when I'll be back. But I miss you and I hope you're doing well. ❤️❤️

I sent some gifts to him as well.

I ate dinner with Uncle Levi and we watched a movie that was so bad it was good it felt good to laugh and have fun with him again even if we were missing  Aunt Petra sitting in the middle.

The next day the police came again to talk to us. We sat at the table and I listened for a while but soon they started talking about boring money stuff so I tuned out.

I really wish they would wait to talk to Uncle Levi about this stuff it seems too soon to me.

My attention was brought back to the conversation at the mention of the other driver. The one who'd caused the accident and tried to get away. 

"We did some research and we know for sure that Hitch Dreyse caused the accident. She was trying to get away after shooting a young man in Shiganshina, with this added Hitch will now... "

I couldn't hear anything after that. I felt like I was falling and I couldn't breathe.


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