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Mikasa pov

I don't know how long I slept but I felt better after the nap. The police officers woke me up and told me I'd be more comfortable sleeping at home.

"I don't live here" I told them" I'm just here for my family" they nodded and asked if I wanted to go to a hotel but I just asked to go back to the hospital.

I leaned my head on the glass of the police car thinking about Eren and Hitch and everything and nothing. I feel my phone buzz and I look down.

962 Messages From Potato Girl
408 Missed Calls from Potato Girl

It buzzed again.

963 Messages From Potato Girl

Is Sasha trying to break my phone?

I giggled and couldn't be bothered to look at the messages right now.  I can't believe I totally forgot about my friends I miss them. I miss the way things were like having sleepovers and going to the beach.  But I know once this is all over we can all be together again and we'll party like crazy.

We finally got back to the hospital. "We'll let you rest for now Ms Ackerman but we might need to talk to you some more later. " I nod exiting the car. "Thank you officers " They thank me back and drive off.

I go into the hospital and sit down it's late so I don't think they'll let me visit uncle levi or aunt petra. I sit in the chair and try to read the messages Sasha sent me.

Potato Girl-

Do you want to grab some food later?

Potato Girl-

Heyy Mikasaaaaaaaaa

Potato Girl-

Are you busy with Eren?

Potato Girl-

Are you guys doing youknowwhat 😏

Potato Girl-


Potato Girl-


Potato Girl-


Potato Girl-

He's fine I wish you were here though there's police everywhere I think they arrested Hitch

Potato Girl-

Is it possible to kill someone with a potato?

Potato Girl-

I'm asking for research....

There was many more messages but I couldn't read them all. "Mikasa? " I looked up when I heard my name called.  It was a doctor. He looked upset. He bowed his head.

"I'm sorry to say this Mikasa but your aunt may not make it through the night. Her injuries are too severe. You can come and say goodbye if you'd like. "

My heart sank.

My aunt Petra.

Is going to die.

I stood up and ran to her room I looked at her in her bed. Petra's eyes were closed and she looked so pale and weak. Tears clouded my vision.

"A-Aunt Petra" I said trying not to sob. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled.  "Come here Mikasa" she said softly. I went to her bedside and I couldn't hold back my tears. 

"Shhh don't cry." I held her hand and tried to stop crying but I couldn't she was like a mother to me. I'm losing my mother again. "Mikasa you're in love with that boy right?  Go to him. Go to all of your friends. Love them and share a happy life with them because it won't last forever. And.. "She sobbed"And take care of Levi he acts tough but he needs lots of love and attention like a plant or a cat. He's my true love please give him a kiss for me and tell him that I'll always love him and I need him to move on and I need you to move on. The world will move on you have to as well."

I Shook my head "I can't I need you Aunt petra who will be there for me?" She smiled "Everything happens for a reason Mikasa you didn't meet that boy by accident you were destined to be with him. "

I wanted to say more to Aunt petra but her parents came in.  I decided to give them time to say good-bye so I let go of Petra's hand she looked at me. "mikasa give this to your uncle for me please" she gave me an envelope that was on the table beside her. I nodded and kissed her head giving her one last hug.

I left the room with tears in my eyes. The doctor said I couldn't see uncle levi until the next morning so I sat in the chair again.

I couldn't sleep and I didn't try to I just stared at the wall remembering how aunt petra came into uncle Levi's life and then mine. She made everything so much brighter and happier. I'm convinced she's an Angel.

She passed away just before sunrise with her parents at her side. Aunt Petra was right. The world will move on. The sun still rose the birds flew the cars drove and everything just kept going.

I looked down at the envelop. I was so curious to see what was in it but I knew it was none of my business. I waited a few hours until it was time to see uncle Levi.

I walked into his room and he looked just as pale as aunt petra had. I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say.

Does he know she's gone?

I stood there trying to think of things to say.  Uncle Levi scoffed. "Can you believe it?  This hospital serves my tea I feel proud." He said not looking at me. "Your tea is the best uncle levi" he shook his head "it's got a melancholy taste now but I guess nothing tastes good after you've lost your wife. "

I looked down. "Aunt Petra wanted me to give you this. " I say giving him the envelope. He opens it and starts looking at what's inside. I look away trying to give him privacy even though I was very curious.

I heard a faint sniffle. I looked at him again and I saw that he was crying. I don't think I've ever seen uncle Levi cry before.

"She's gone she's really gone" he cried throwing his teacup at the wall. I flinched as it broke and the warm liquid dripped to the floor.

"She told me she loves you and she wants us to move on. " I say wiping my tears trying to be strong for him. He just nodded. I gave him a hug. "It won't be easy but I believe we can do it " I say again. He didn't respond.

"I'll go get you some more tea. " I say leaving the room.  I tried hard not to cry but I failed. I walked faster and accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and saw it was a doctor. "Sorry doctor... " I looked at his name tag. "Doctor Jaeger? "


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