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Mikasa pov


I don't have a bathing suit...

Potato Girl-

That's okay I'll bring you one give me your address

I eagerly gave it to her. I've been to the beach a ton of times but never with someone as a friend. Today was only Thursday and I assume she'd want to go on Saturday. She thanked me for my address then we said goodbyes. I laid on the couch and looked up at the ceiling.

My house is so quiet it's always so... quiet! I said to myself. The quiet it's awful. When it's quiet I think about my life..I think about that day. I think about how I was unable to save mama and papa....I think about the sibling I was supposed  to have. That day the doctor was coming to check on mama and I.

But mama and papa and I just weren't strong enough. But if anyone tries to hurt uncle Levi,aunt Petra,or any of my new friends. Then we'll have a big problem.

                 Time skip

Saturday rolled around and to be honest I totally forget about going swimming with Sasha. It wasn't until I heard the doorbell ringing while I was asleep. And of course I woke up quickly because no one rings the bell. My maid, uncle Levi and Aunt Petra all have keys I don't eat take out either. I will cook my food or I'll leave the house to eat at a restaurant. The door bell just never rings. I ran downstairs to the door not forgetting to grab a knife just in case...

I opened the door ready to attack. Sasha's eyes  widened and she stepped back"woah woah Mikasa calm down!"  I relaxed seeing that it was just Sasha she was holding a bag in her hand and she looked kinda scared."I-I'm sorry Sasha it's just.... nevermind why are you here?" I asked she shook her head "we're going to the beach remember?" I gasped "I forgot but wait I don't have a ba-" she put her finger on my lips"I know I brought you one here hurry and change we've gotta get there early if we want a good spot" I nodded and thought of a way to be polite.

I'd seen many movies and  read multiple books and everytime a friend or someone comes to your house the owner always says "won't you come in and sit down?" Then they ask"can I get you something to drink?" I looked at Sasha and smiled."won't you come in and sit down? Oh and can I get you something to drink?" She smiled back and nodded going in to sit on the couch"wow Mikasa your house is amazing I can't believe you live here all alone you must have parties every week right?" She asked as I came back with her drink"no not really..I've never been to a party let alone host one..well actually that's a lie. I go to many parties that my uncle hosts." I say she smiled"you should have some of your own with people your age!" I grabbed the bag and stood up. She took out a purple and a black peice of clothing and handed it to me. "Go change hurry!" She told me and I went into the restroom.

Probably one of the dumbest decisions I'll ever make. I didn't think to look in he mirror or check out the bathing suit. I honestly didn't have a single problem with it until Sasha was driving us to the  beach and she couldn't stop staring at my body. I felt extremely self conscious and tried to cover up but then she whined"hmmmmmm Mikasa you have such a nice body I'm so jealous!!!" She said looking at me"Uu-h thanks" I muttered. She looked ahead"no seriously when did you get abs?" She asked me"I'm not sure they just appeared" I said 

Soon we were at the beach I was expecting it to just be the two of us hanging out and swimming but she took my hand and quickly led me to a large group of people."Sasha what are we doing?" I asked"we're going to my friend's don't worry they're nice " she told me. I swallowed hard and just let her lead me into the crowd. As we neared people started greeting her. I could recognize many of them like Historia,Ymir,Jean, and Reiner.

But there was a few people I didn't know. They soon introduced themselves as Connie,Marco, Mina, Bertolt Armin and Annie . I smiled and told them that I was Mikasa. I looked at them all. They were very attractive and fun we played games and ate. I really enjoyed it. "Mikasa I never realized how amazing your body is!" Historia chirped and Ymir and Mina touched my stomach I laughed at the feeling. "Thanks Historia." I said. Everything was perfect the food and my friends but then Armin sighed and said"I wish Eren could be here though" Connie nodded "yeah why isn't he here?" He asked "he had a date with his girlfriend remember" Ymir chuckled "I'm not surprised. He is with that  hoe every week" I sat in silence and listened to them talk about the boy I was going crazy over not long ago.

But if he had a girlfriend I didn't want anything to do with him. I don't want to get in the way of something. I shook it off and stood up. " I'm gonna go swim" I said pointing to the water. "I'll come!" "Me too!" Historia and Sasha said following me. I looked at them in envy. They had such beautiful and feminine bodies. Sasha wore a blue and white bikini and Historia wore a similar red one. I looked down at my purple and black outfit and felt like the rainstorm in the middle of a good summer. I hurried. To the water trying to hide this as soon as possible. I felt a bit better once we started swimming but all good things just come to an end. A man who looked much older than us yet much younger than uncle Levi approached us. He looked like he had to have been in his late twenties or early thirties. I ignored him a bit and we went back to having fun until Historia screamed"stop let me go!" Sasha and I turned our heads to see the man gripping tightly on her right arm. "Hey let her go right now!" Sasha said we stepped closer to him and he just laughed darkly."She said let her go!" I yelled. But he didn't Sasha charged twords him and  pounced on him. 

But he shook her off and threw her into the water. I went next and punched him. I could tell he was hurt but he wouldn't let go. I punched again and again and he eventually fell underwater. I could see blood coming from him but I couldn't care less. I went to Historia and hugged her "are you alright?" I asked she hugged me back and nodded. She seemed like a child. I looked over at the man as he stood up and I hugged Historia closer to me. I could see that the blood was coming from his nose and he started walking away but not without saying"You'll regret that you birch!"  Sasha stood up and looked at me with amazement.

"That wa-" "amazing!"  Someone cut her off. I knew it wasn't Historia because the voice was masculine and kinda deep. I turned around and got met with bright green eyes and an eight pack.

"Hey Eren! I thought you had a date?" Historia said jumping out of my arms and into his. He shook his head "yeah but she cancelled and anyway she just wanted to see a movie I thought it was pretty dumb to he inside a dark room when the sun is shining so bright out here. And Armin called me and told me there was someone new in the group I should meet and I'm guessing that's you," He said pointing to me and I blushed " but you're not new we've met before you just had trouble telling me your name." He continued. I blushed deeper and shook my head "Eren right? I'm Mikasa. And I didn't have trouble telling you me name I just didn't want to!" I said and smiled. He smiled back"that's a nice name!" He told me"thank you I got it for my birthday" I said walking past him and back to the shore. I looked behind me and saw they were coming back too. I went back to the group and sat on a towel next to Mina and Armin and Annie.

Everyone started to talk but I didn't really listen I was focused on the beautiful water before me. "What do you think Mika?" I blinked hearing the nickname "Mi-ka?" I said slowly."That's a cute nickname!" I heard someone say I finally looked over and saw everyone looking at me"sorry I zoned out what were you saying"  Sasha sat next to me. "We were just talking about how us girls should sleep over at your house some day."she said casually excitement filled me and I answered fast"yes yes of course yes!" I've never had a sleepover before. Sasha stood up. Then it's settled next weekend we'll sleepover at Mika's house!" I blinked again hearing the nickname no one has ever called me. Eren scooted next to me I could feel his arm touch mine."hey boys should be allowed too!" He said to me smirking.

Sasha pushed him away."back off Eren you're such a perv and no boys aren't allowed!" She said and he whined I couldn't help but laugh at him. And I couldn't help but fall for him...

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