Bye Hitch

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Eren pov


Did you get it?

What does she mean? Get what?


Did I get what?


Whatever since you want to play dumb I'm coming over


No you don't have to come over just tell me

Hitch 💕-

Wow Eren your sarcasm is great. I mean did you get the answer sheet you dumbass

Oh shit..

I can't believe I forgot it I didn't even try to look for it or anything. I cursed at myself and texted back.


What are you talking about my sarcasm is bad how would you even recognize sarcasm through a text?


Your sarcasm sucks everywhere did you cheat or not?

So she wants good sarcasm I'll show her good sarcasm.


Hitch don't worry I'm not gonna cheat I just need to go there for a little loosen her up and then get what I need from that bitch I've gotta say she's pretty tough it might take longer than I expect

There let's see how she handles me being fake and love dovey


I don't like you doing this you belong to me and only me you know

What the fuck is she talking about isn't it obvious I don't like her and we shouldn't be together.


Lol yeah babe you're the only person I'll ever love!

Hitch 💕-

Aww you're so sweet

Does she think I really mean all of this or are we just going back and forth with sarcasm.


Look Hitch I think we should break up we clearly aren't meant for each other so just agree with me and let's end this

I waited about 10 minutes for a response I was starting to worry until my phone vibrated again.

Hitch 💕-

How about no by the way I'm coming over.

She really isn't listening to me. I rolled my eyes and threw the phone. Hopefully one day my dad will tell me why I had to date her because this is tiring. 30 minutes later my door opened. I hoped it was my dad but he and I weren't the only people who had keys to our house. "Eren get your sorry ass up and take my coat! "She demanded immediately. I stood up she took her bright blue fur coat from her. She went to my couch and we silently watched whatever she wanted on TV for a few hours then I remembered something.

I stood up "Well this was nice but I have somewhere to be so bye! " I tried to leave but she stopped me "where are you going? " damn it "I'm going to eat pizza with my friends" she scoffed. "I know your not you're probably going to fuck Ms Zoo again" I sighed "Ms Zoe and nothing happened between us and I'm going to eat with my friends something you wouldn't know about because you don't have friends you drive them all away! " I instantly regretted what I said when I looked at her face she was smirking. "Take me with you".

So I drove us to the restaurant adn we sat down only Sasha and Connie were there at the moment but that made sense they're always hungry. We waited in awkward silence for the others to show up. I was too scared to say anything else to Hitch she could ruin me. I couldn't say anything to my friends because she could ruin them. We sat in uncomfortable silence until I heard the bell on the door,and in walked my goddess.

She smiled and waved to us and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was going to sit next to me but of course Hitch put her hand in the seat and said "Someone's sitting there" Mikasa nodded and sat with Sasha. I saw her smiling at Jean which made me sad again. Their date must have gone well. I looked down at my soda and moved my straw around in a circular motion. "Oh yeah guys!" Mikasa said and she pulled out some papers. More date requests from Jean? She gave each of us one but ran so Hitch didn't get one. "It's fine I don't need one I'm not going to your sad little baby party and...Eren isn't either" Hitch announced. I looked at her annoyed who's she to decide whether I'm going somewhere or not. Hitch continued,"Like seriously a costume party what are you five? Are you gonna show up in your cute little Pingu costume little girl? " She mocked and ripped up my invitation. I like Pingu though he's really cute. Ymir spoke up. "One if Eren wants to go then he can he's his own person. Two if Mikasa wants to dress up as Pingu she can she'd be adorable also you're the same age how is she a little girl. And three you aren't invited to the party that's why you're mad and to he honest you weren't even invited to come and eat with us today I'm not sure why you're here" Ymir said with ice and anger in her voice. We laughed and Hitch got huffy and puffy and stood up. "Come on Eren we're leaving!" She said I stopped laughing. I'm dome being controlled. I don't need to take this anymore. "No thanks I'm hungry" I said "Eren! Now!" She said like an owner angry at their pet or a mother angry with her child but we weren't having this. I'm nor someone's pet and I'm definitely not some snot nose toddler. "Bye Hitch have a great evening" Historia said waving goodbye we waved with her and Hitch left giving me a glare.

After eating I went outside and saw Mikasa giving Jean thumbs up. I got annoyed so I went up to her"Hi!" She said sounding bubbly and happy. Maybe Jean is good for her to be with? I smiled at her smile and leaned on her car to seem cool. "I'm going to your party you know that right?" I said and she nodded "Eren...have you been avoiding me?" She asked. I don't know I think I've been avoiding everyone especially after Hitch threatened me. I couldn't say all of that so I shook my head "No! No! I've just...been..busy" I looked down I can practically feel my ears becoming red. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her and buried myself to her scent I wanted this to last forever bit we can't have forever if I don't know one thing. "Are you dating Jean?" I asked shyly. She pulled back and laughed so hard I was scared she'd fall over. But she didn't fall and she didn't answer my question"Are you?" I asked shr shook her head and sighed "No I'm not dating Jean I don't... I don't think I'm his type!" She said laughing again. I laughed awkwardly yet relieved "well uh bye Mika I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded "oh Eren I'll get you a new invitation for the party" she called I nodded"I already know what I'm gonna be!" I said "What is it?" I smirked "you'll find out at the party. " she whined like a baby"I can't wait that longgg!" She said "See ya!" I walked to my car.
I'm gonna be Pingu.

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