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Mikasa pov.

I got to my next class a little late I sat in the back to try and avoid cute guys like Eren. But I immediately regretted my decision because I was stuck with some worse than a cute boy but a super hungry and energetic Sasha Blouse.

She told me she was hungry before she told me her name but hey she talked to me! "So do you have any food?" She asked her hands clasped together and her eyes looked hopeful. It took me a while to answer but I put my arms up and shook my head"sorry I gave my muffin to someone else this morning..." I said and she put her head down on her desk and started sobbing. I Hought it was a joke and she was being funny but I realized it wasn't and she wasn't.

Then I remembered something"oh! I have an energy bar I was going to eat it in physical education but you can have it" i reached in my bag and got it out holding it in front of her her head shot up and she snatched the bar and tore the paper off eating the bar quickly then she smiled and took my hands  "thank you so much Mikasa that was very sweet of you...I'll buy you something at lunch okay?" I smiled big and  nodded my head.

I turned forward and tried to pay attention a little but I felt a small tap on my leg I looked over at Sasha who was smiling at me"Can I have your number?" She asked I nodded and took out a piece of paper writing my number on it and giving it to her.
She quickly put it in her phone and I watched then she looked up at me "I'll text 'potato' so you know it's me alright?" I nodded and looked back then I felt another tap on my other leg I turned to see a guy with blonde and brown hair and a strange horse face looking at me.

I examined him carefully he was good looking but not as good as Ere- Mikasa stop thinking about him! I scolded myself I focused on the horse again" hi uhm...Mikasa right? I-Im Jean Kirschten and I wanted to ask you for your number!" He said I've never talked to a boy on the phone so I agreed and gave him my number too.

Then I felt my phone buzz I picked it up trying to hide from the teacher Hough he obviously couldn't see me thanks to the huge boy in front of me




Hi Sasha.


Yay you know it's me so change my name...make it som cool!


Like what?



What is she talking about what's idk?


What's "idk"


I don't know


But you just used it!


I know!


But you said you didn't know!




Can we please talk face to face? You're confusing me.

I put my phone down and looked at her she looked at me"Mikasa 'idk' means 'I don't know' duh!" she said as of she were talking to a child my face became red"oh sorry"I looked down in embarrassment she started laughing super loud and the huge boy in front of me turned around he had blonde hair and small eyes.

He looked scary to me"would you shut up!" He said to Sasha then he looked at me"don't let potato girl bother you it took me a while to figure out texting too" I didn't know what to say so I just smiled then Sasha moved her face closer to his "oh shut up Reiner mind your business and go fix your resting bitch face!" She said he shook his head and turned around giving Sasha the bird to which she pouted at and rolled her eyes. I giggled a little and quickly changed Sasha's name to potato girl.

                Time skip

I walked home without Historia and Ymir. They went home fast to get ready for a first day party they invited me but parties really aren't my thing. I took out my keys to unlock the door  but I soon found it was already unlocked. I slowly went inside ready to fight knowing I wasn't expecting anyone today. I could hear something in the kitchen so I grabbed a knife I keep next to the door for emergency. I have about a million weapons hidden everywhere around the house...just in case.

I ran into the kitchen and stopped when I saw my aunt Petra. She looked up at me and smiled"Hi sweetie!" She said holding out her arms and I quickly went to hug her."Aunt Petra what are you doing here?" I asked happily. She shrugged"well your uncle is going to be working late tonight so I  thought I'd drive down here and check on you and talk about your first day!" She said giving me a cook and moving me to sit at the table"how does it taste?" She asked"amazing as usual!" I say back and she goes to get our food.
Then she sits down in front of me as we start eating."how was school?" She asks I freeze remembering all of the people I've met today I decided I'd tell her about all of them except Eren who I can't seem to stop thinking of "aunt Petra it was amazing I....I made many friends!" I said cheerfully. I looked back up at her and I saw a tear stroll down her cheek. "I-Is" she stopped me "no darling that's incredible I'm sorry I'm happy I can't wait to tell your uncle!" She said wiping her tears. I smiled and held her hand. Anxious to tell her about Eren but I knew I had to do this normal thing one step at a time. "I even got my friend's numbers!" I say cheerfully she smiles "you should invite them over one day" her expression softens"I know you get lonely here by yourself Mikasa you having friends is perfect you're going to have so much fun...but there will be some hard times and when those times come I know you'll know what to do and if you don't I'll always be here for you!" I smiled and look down again"well...I was invited to this party" I say "are you going" I shook my head and looked up again"I'm not ready yet.." I say and she nods"don't force yourself into anything and don't let anyone force you into anything" she tells me I smile and nod and we continue to eat.

Then we watch a movie and before I know it we're saying goodbye and hugging"I'll tell your uncle to call you you should be the one to tell him about your friends. And we'll try visit soon" she says hugging me tight."thank you aunt Petra I love you!" I say "I love you too baby...oh yeah! I made you a ton of cookies you should take them to school and share with your friends alright?" I nod and hold her tight.

It took all of my strength to finally let go of her and when I do I watch her get into her car. I wave goodbye to her and before I know it I'm all alone again.

So I thought....

Potato Girl-

Wanna go swimming this weekend?

I smile at the text replying instantly


I don't have a bathing suit...

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