You Know What?

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Mikasa pov

The next day was full of fun. I went on the ferris wheel and to the beach and  saw a movie with Uncle Levi and Aunt Petra. I even got Uncle Levi to make me his famous tea. Sure I loved drinking tea from one of his tea shops but none of those employees could make tea like Uncle Levi. I haven't had one of his cups in a long time. It was only 3:00 but he was cooking dinner. I'm not sure why but I'm not gonna question him. I was in my bedroom sitting on the bed and knitting with Aunt Petra. I'm not that good but I know how to make a scarf! Aunt Petra on the other hand was making sweaters and socks and hats clothes.

She smiled looking at them"Oh Mikasa you should have some babies soon!" She said I blushed "I-I'm seventeen!" I said flustered. She sighed. "But I've always wanted to dress up a baby girl or a baby boy!" She pouted"why don't you and Uncle Levi have a baby?" I asked. I was really curious too they'd make great parents and I know it but all their life it's like they put everything on hold for me."We're a bit too old for that honey" she laughed I furrowed my eyes brows. They're 32.  "We're also super busy. Ha! We have so many things to do it's hard to even see you and take care of you,"  she sighed "we'd be terrible parents." I gasped and leaned forward to take her hand. "Aunt Petra don't say that you guys are amazing my whole life you've been like parents to me you're even parenting me right now! I was so worried about my friends and everything and you took that all away. I kinda don't even remember why I was sad!" I said laughing a little.  Her face softened"oh Mikasa" she said quietly and she tucked some of my hair behind my ear. She kissed my forhead."I'll always be there to help you with anything don't forget that!" That was supposed to be comforting. And maybe it was for some.

But for me it was a wake up call. They aren't always going to be here to help me. I need to learn to do things on my own. I have to take care of my own problems. I don't want to think about it but one day Uncle Levi and Aunt Petra won't be here and I'll be facing a problem.  I shook my head. "Aunt Petra I need to go to the store." I said looking at the clock 3:19 good I have time. "what do you mean?" She asked looking at me. I stood up and took her hand and pulled her out of the room and down the stairs. I went into the kitchen where Uncle Levi was cooking and i turned off the stove and oven then I grabbed his hand too. He didn't ask questions and just followed us. I led them to the car and told uncle Levi to take us to the store. He just shrugged and starting driving.  "Mikasa why are we going to the store all of a sudden? What's so important?"  I took out my phone and smiled.


Sasha forget what I said. If still want to do it then the sleepover starts at 7!

Potato Girl-


I smiled"guys I'm having my first sleepover!" I said aunt Petra squeled "oh my gosh when?" She asked excited. I shrugged "four hours" I said "Mikasa what do you mean four hours that's such short notice!" She turned to look at me."I know I cancelled on them because I was upset yesterday but now I just want to do it please please just take me to the store so I can get some fun things!" I begged. She sighed"alright but only because you're cute!" She pinched my cheek. I blushed and thanked her. When we got to the store Aunt Petra rushed out of the car and into the store she grabbed a shopping cart and ran off leaving Uncle Levi and I shocked "she's fast" he said blankly. I nodded and grabbed his hand. "Come on I want to get some food." He sighed and followed me. We got many different kinds of junk food.

Cupcakes,chips,popcorn,candy and a bunch of other stuff your dentist would tell you not to eat. "Why are you getting so much food how many people are coming to this thing?" He asked me."I'm not sure that's why I'm getting so much I need to be prepared!" I said. He nodded "I'm so excited this is crazy and to think all it took was for me to say hello to Historia"  I said to myself. Suddenly Aunt Petra walked up to us her cart full of random things. I laughed and we went to pay. We walked to the cashier who was with a girl. They looked adorable I could practically see the hearts in their eyes. I watched them for a little bit. I read their name tags. Franz and Hannah. I said in my head then I laughed Hannah is Hannah backwards how cool is that? If you were to spell my name backwards all you'd get was Asakim. Actually that sounds kinda pretty. I thought. When the happy couple noticed us they moved away and Hannah began to scan our items and Franz bagged them. I watched and looked at the price going higher and higher with every item. I looked over at Aunt Petra and Uncle Levi they didn't look worried at all. When they were done Uncle Levi paid and Aunt Petra smiled at him. I looked at my phone. 4:20 pm. Okay we've still got some time to get me home.  I thought. I helped them put our bags in the car then we got in. Quickly they drove me home. Even though we went as fast as we could without getting pulled over. We still got there at about 5:19. But that's okay because the sleepover is at 7:00. We went inside and started to set everything up. Halfway through Aunt Petra started taking pictures and crying. "Oh my Mikasa is having her first sleepover my little baby is all grown up" she cried I laughed"Aunt Petra it's not that big of a deal!" I laughed she came to me and cried taking more pictures. Uncle Levi just watched emotionless.

He barely reacts to anything! Is my uncle  a log or something? Would it kill ya to cry? Or smile? Or something? Man it would feel great to see him cry just once. I've been with Uncle Levi for almost nine years and he's never shed a tear. Not one.

Even when we would train together and I kicked his butt. Not a tear or a  gasp or anything just a shrug. Sometimes I worry if he's even alive or maybe he's just making plans to take over the world. I hugged Aunt Petra and tried to make her crying stop. When it did we continued to set up. When we were finished I looked around amazed. It was beautiful and very pastel. I usually wear dark colors but this was a nice change it's very cute! I thanked the both of them and we sat down for some tea. I looked at the clock on the wall. 6:41. They noticed the time and decided to leave. I smiled and hugged them goodbye. When I was alone I say on my couch and waited. They should be here soon. No need to worry Mikasa. I'm prepared for any and everything this night has waiting for me. I smiled as the rare ring of the doorbell took me out of my thoughts. That must be Sasha! I stood up quickly and opened the door.

I stopped dead in my tracks when it was fully open. "Hey" he said. "E-Eren?" I asked. He nodded and showed me his gorgeous smile. "Why are you here?" I asked."oh you didn't know? Well Sasha texted us and said guys are allowed to the sleepover so I thought I should come too!" He said cheery.

Remember how I said I was prepared for anything and everything this night has to come? Well I lied I'm not ready screw this. I shut the door and sighed.

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