It's hard to ignore you when I adore you

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Mikasa pov

The sleepover was tomorrow. I wasn't sure what we would do because I've never had a sleepover. So I decided to do some research. I was at my school's library looking for books about sleepovers. I found some so I sat down and started to read them. I was so into one book I didn't realize the person leaned over next to me until they asked "whatcha readin' Mika?" I jumped in fear and let out a squeak. I saw many people's head turn so I apologized.

I turned my head to see who spoke and of course I was greeted with a pair of gorgeous green eyes. "Uhm...uhh...ummm"  I didn't know why but I couldn't speak to him words wouldn't come out. Mabey it was the fact that his hand was on my shoulder or that the only thing separating his chest and my back was the chair that wasn't as big of a barrier or mabey it was the fact that his face and his beautiful lips were just inches away from me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I scolded myself in my head.

He's got a girlfriend Mikasa!

All your life you've been passionate about important things that could help you in the future.

Why are you thinking of boys now.

Especially boys who aren't available to date you.

I nodded my head and slowly puhed him away. "I was fine but you've come and disturbed my peace do leave now!" I said coldly. He smirked and pulled outthe chair next to me. "What are yo-?" He took my book from me."How to Have Fun at a Sleepover eh?" I blushed"g-give me that you shouldn't have taken it you're very rude" I grabbed it and looked down. He smiled and put his face in his palm and leaned on it. "You've never had a sleepover have you?" I shook my head still looking down. I could hear him stand up"Come on let's go" he said calmly I looked up and saw him holding out his hand for me and smiling"where are we going?" I asked. "I'll tell you if you come with me" he says.

I hesitated a little but put my hand in his warm and soft one. I gasped as he pulled me out of the library and started running really fast out of the school. I laughed and tried to keep up with him."your car or mine babe?" He asked I was about to answer but I realized what he called me and I stopped running making us fall. He landed on his  hands and knees and I landed on my stomach. I look over at him and stood up. Brushing the grass off of my body I frowned"you got my uniform dirty!" I whined he looked at me confused" what do you mean I got you dirty when you're the reason we fell! What's up with that by the way?" He stood up. I crossed my arms" you're the one who called me babe! What's up with that by the way?" I mocked.

He shrugged whatever just answer the question." I furrowed my brows"what question?"  He sighed. "Are we taking your car or mine?" He asked"let's take yours I didn't bring mine." He looks oked at me confused"why didn't you bring your car?" He asked I shrugged"I don't live far from the school I'd just be wasting gas if I drove here everyday. I only drive when it's raining or if I'm going to see my Uncle Levi and Aunt Petra." I say following him to his car. He nods and unlocks the door for me and I get in."where are we going?" I asked again he smiled"the arcade!" He said happily. "Why?" I asked "I just caught you in a library on a Friday reading a book about how to have a good sleepover...I think you need some fun in your life and the arcade is the best place to start!" He said happily. I nodded and looked ahead. I have never actually been to an arcade. I wonder what you do there.. I thought to myself. For a while then the car stopped and Eren smiled "we're here!" He said I looked into the window of the place that said "ARCADE" in big colorful letters.

I stared at them in awe and Eren got out of the car I got out too and walked closer to the door of the arcade.  Eren opened it for me and I was bit bright colors, electric noises and the smell of different kinds of junk food.i looked around and couldn't help but smile. I saw many people about my age and many who were younger. I didn't even notice Eren left my side until he came back and gave me a ton of gold coins. I gasped. They give you gold here? I asked myself but Eren corrected me. "These are called tokens. You have to put them in the machine if you want to play the game." He told me. I silently said "oh" he took my hand and led me to a game I didn't even look to see  what it was I just wanted to play.

I put my two tokens in and so did he."This is a fighter game so press this button to punch,this one to kick and  hold this and turn it for when you want to move around. " He explained and pointed out all the things he was talking about. I chose my character and we played many rounds. We ended up with the score 10/2 me being to 10. "You're lying to me when you say you've never played before you win too much to be a beginner!" He whined. I smiled and walked away from the game"Come on you big baby you have to buy me something now for kicking your butt!" I said and he followed"Right what do you want?" I grab his hand and take him to the place that has "SNACK BAR" written in pretty neon lights.

   "Buy me some food" I learned on the counter he leans with me"what would you like to eat?" He asked I smiled "you choose" he ended up buying me a pretzel and a churro. "It's getting late I'll take you home." He said and we walked outside. I frowned "it's raining." I said. He nodded.
We ran to the car but it was no use by the time we got there we were soaked. We sat for a bit then he started to drive. We were silent for a bit but then I realized he didn't know where we were going."um Eren my address i-" "shhh" he told me and I frowned "we're gonna go to my house for a bit" he said stopping at a red light"w-why?" I asked he turned to me and looked into my eyes and leaned closer"because I want to be alone with you~" he said and bit his lip. "Ahh umm" I sputtered and he laughed. "I'm kidding I want to get dry clothes and besides your really fun I want to hang out more." I blushed and looked away he started driving again.

We went to his house which was very nice. We went in and he ran upstairs yelling"I'll be back!" I looked around his house and saw many pictures of a young couple and a small boy. I assume they're his parents. "Here" he said and I turned around he gave me one of his shirts and sweatpants. "Thank you" I said he took me upstairs to his bedroom. "You can change in here" he said and I nodded he left and closed the door. I took off my cold and wet clothes. And put on his warm and dry ones. I looked around his room and saw another picture of him and a young woman with brown hair and brown eyes.
His mom.
She's beautiful.

I said to myself.

That explains where he gets it.

I say and leave his room. I go downstairs and see him sitting on the couch texting on his phone. "How do I look?"  I say and spin around and laugh. He smiles at me"beautiful as ever" he tells me I go and sit next to him. I lay my head on the couch and look at him"Eren..." I say and he looks at me"yeah?" I look around and then at him."where are your parents" I say my voice getting weaker as I move closer to the word "parents" he put his head on the couch "my dad is a doctor so he's always busy I don't really see him a lot" he tells me
Well that explains the house.."Where's" I ask I could see his eyes sadden."Heaven" he said softly. I caught on quickly."I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-" he shook his head "no it's alright..." He said still sad I gave him a hug. He pulled back and closed his eyes while leaning in I was about to give in to the kiss but


I mentally screamed at myself. I pulled away from his arms"So um your girlfriend where is she?" I asked his eyes opened and he moved away from me."she's..OH GOD I DON'T KNOW!" He jumped up and grabbed his phone. He called her and started apologizing quickly. "Baby I'm so sorry I was hanging out with my friend all day I totally forgot to tell you I'm so sorry...right...I know I'm sorry....I love was your day babe?" he looked at me and I smiled. I smiled because he can't know that I love him he's taken and I'm just getting in the way of his great relationship. So I slipped out of his house without him knowing. I put my address in my phone and walked home. Thank God it was raining because if it wasn't then I'm sure ever could tell I was crying.

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