I did it

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Mikasa pov

I cried for a little longer then the police officers came back. I spoke quickly "Can I see him is Eren all right?  Is he in this hospital? " I ask. "Eren isn't in this hospital and we don't know about his condition we haven't had the chance to talk to him but we know he isn't dead. "

I had never felt more relief. It was like a million people were lying on top of me and then they finally got up.  I didn't know what to say I smiled and nodded.

"We talked to your uncle but your aunt isn't well enough to talk about it right now. We need you to come with us and tell us everything you know about Hitch and Eren. "

I stood and wiped my face that I'm sure was red from crying. I put on my jacket and left with the officers. They put me in the back of their car and assured me I wasn't in trouble. It still felt weird to be back there though. I look out of the window and I text uncle Levi telling him where I'll be. He tells me he knows and that he's sorry my stupid boyfriend got hurt.

I smile but it soon fades when I see that we're at the police station. The officers help me out of the car and hide my face from the paparazzi. When we finally get in to safety I ask. "Why is there a paparazzi? " the officers sit down across from me. "As you may know Hitch is apart of a very rich and important family everyone wants to know if she really shot and killed Eren. We'll protect you from them and her family we can make this all anonymous if you want."

I don't want the attention but I want to speak to Hitch. I want to know what she did to Eren and why. "Can I speak to Hitch? "The officer shrugs. "Only if her lawyer says you can. I'll ask. "

One of the officers leave and the other stays with me so I can answer his questions. I tell him what I know.

Hitch and Eren were a couple. Hitch wasn't a good girlfriend for Eren. She doesn't like me or any of Eren's friends. She tried to threaten Eren and a teacher at our school.

He writes everything down and then leaves. I'm left alone but I'm not sure if I'm actually alone because of the mirror that's most likely a two way mirror. A few minutes later the door opens and I see Hitch walk in wearing handcuffs. A small middle aged woman and a police officer are also with her. They sit Hitch down across from me but she doesn't look at me. She stares next to me but I know she's not looking at me. I don't know what she's looking at.

The officer explains to me that Hitch wants to speak with me alone. The small woman who I assume is her lawyer speaks up. "Hitch you have to watch what you say you could get in a lot of trouble if you say anything to anyone without me here. " Hitch rolls her eyes. "Get out you old hag. " she says in a tone I've never heard her use before. She seemed tired and stressed.

The woman clearly annoyed leaves with the police officer. I know they can still see and hear us but Hitch and I are alone.

My mind races trying to figure out something to say. There was so much I wanted to know so much I wanted to say so many awful words I wanted to scream at her but I froze silently.

"Did I kill him Mikasa? "

"What? "

I felt like an idiot for saying what I know what she asked I just didn't expect her to ask.

She didn't ask again.

We stayed in silence for a while. I looked around the boring room. But Hitch kept her eyes next to me. I finally got the courage to look her in the eyes to ask what I've been wanting to ask for the longest time. I reached over the table putting my hand on her shoulder. "Hitch, why would you do this to him? "

She was about to answer but I continued"Not just this but everything before. You could have anyone, you had money and beauty and you chose to ruin Eren Jaeger.  What happened what made you like this?  Is it your family?  Are you just evil? "

I removed my hand from her shoulder. She was crying. I was crying. "He doesn't love me!  Why doesn't he love me I was perfect. I could've given that boy the world. He was the one!  I picked him to be my Prince but he just didn't love me!  It's not fair! "

Our tears were from frustration and confusion. "Hitch!  How are you supposed to love the person who hurts you the most!? You're insane! " she sobbed. "I didn't want to hurt him I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want you to have him. He was mine that was the deal. " What deal?

I wanted to ask about thus deal but my mind had been through enough. I Shook my head. "You're going to prison. You're 17 and you're going to be there for most of your life. "I stood up and walked to her.

I acted without thinking or speaking.

I opened my arms and wrapped them around her holding her as we cried. I know it's a stupid thing to do. But I feel like Hitch has a broken soul and she needs someone right now, because she'll never have anyone ever again. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she mumbled over and over again.

I didn't know who she was apologizing to. Eren? Me? Herself?  I didn't respond but I held her tighter. Soon the door opened and the police officer gave me an apologetic look. I nodded and let go of Hitch. He took her away again as she cried. I sat in the chair and put my head down. I needed a nap. So I took one.


Everyone I'm so sorry for being gone for so long. I should have said something but I didn't I hope you can forgive me and I hope you're enjoying the story. 💜

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