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Eren pov

I walked Hitch to her class and then ran to mine. Which was pointless because I already knew I was going to to be late. She spent like ten minutes standing outside of the door making a big deal that her 'loving' boyfriend walked her to class. When she finally managed to get her head out of her ass she went into the classroom. I was on my way to physical education so I had to change. I'm super late so I'm gonna have to run laps and I'm not exactly Mr. Keith's favorite so I might have to run extra. I sighed and changed then I went into the gymnasium and saw everyone getting ready to play something except for Connie who was running laps. I laughed a little. He must've goofed off again in the warm-ups. That's so Conni- "JAEGER YOU'RE LATE YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE OR IT'S FIFTY LAPS FOR YOU!!" I jumped hearing Mr Keith's yelling. "WELL DO YOU HAVE ONE?!?" He asked " one what?" I asked confused"AM EXCUSE JAEGER DO YOU HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR BEING LATE?"  I tried to think of one I haven't used yet but that was impossible so I decided I'd tell the truth this time. "If I tell you the truth would you believe me?" I asked he stepped closer to me "Of course Jaeger" I took a deep breath "I had to feed my pet tiger" I said just as calmly as he did he sighed and rubbed his temples"Fifty laps Jaeger" He said and I nodded running to catch up with Connie. "I'm getting too old for this"I heard him murmur. Running was fine by me because I have something I need to talk about. Connie slowed down when he saw me coming closer to him." hey Eren!" He said happily but I knew he was tired. " Why are you here?" He asked "Hitch" I said frowning he groaned "Why are you here?" I asked "uh let's just say Mr. Keith wasn't in the mood for a joke..." I looked over at him "What joke did you tell?" I asked he laughed"W-What time did the guy with a tooth ache go to the dentist?" I stayed silent but he answered anyway"Tooth-hurty pm!" He laughed at his joke and I shook my head "you deserve worse than running for these bad jokes" he continued laughing "But can we be serious for a minute? There's this gir..." He shooshed me."I don't want to talk about Hitch so if this conversation is gonna be about her then just shut up now!" I shook my head"it's a different girl" he nodded"is she hot? How big are her you know whats?" I pushed him"I said I wanted to he serious!" I said he threw his hands up in defense"I was talking about her books Eren geez I wanted to know which year she was in." I roll my eyes "she's in my class so we're definitely the same age. But she's just so... beautiful" I say remembering her eyes and her adorable face"ooohh someone's in looovveee" he teased "what are you talking about I barely know her!" I say. "What's her name?"  He asked "I don't know...she never told me actually she didn't say much she was silent yet beautiful" he shrugged"you should ask some of the other girls I can't help you" I nodded. I'll ask Annie later. "How did you meet her?" He asked "Well we were sitting next to each other in class and we couldn't stop staring at each other she was so perfect I just coul-" he groaned "what?" I asked "This sounds like something from a fan fiction written by a sad teenage girl! Don't you think this sounds weird? A super sexy bad boy meets a beautiful and quiet good girl lete guess you guys will fall in love and face minor problems that don't happen in real life but it's okay because it's fantasy" I shrugged "Damn Connie if you know so much about these fan fictions then you must've read many" his eyes widened"N-No I just listen to Sasha talk about them she's obsessed!" I laughed Such a bad liar!
                 Time Skip

I have been blessed! For once in my life I got home without having to walk Hitch she was staying at school for cheerleading practice. Or should I call it tryouts? Whatever I just hope she gets in because if she does then shell have to go to practice and I can live in peace! I sat on the couch wanting to get up and make me something to eat but I'm feeling lazy from all the running so I just order pizza. I decided to call Annie in the meantime. She picked up after a while "What?" She asked sounding bored. I frowned and hung up. I waited for a little bit then I got a call from her "Hello Eren!" She said I smiled"there ya go. Remember Annie we have to use our manners!" I said in a voice I'd use to a baby. "Shut up what do you want I was busy!" She said in a rude voice. "Right I need help... there's this girl at school I met today.." it was silent for a bit"What's her name?" She asked "I-I don't know..." She sighed "Hoe am I supposed to help you if you don't even know the girls name" i put my hands up even though she couldn't see me "that's why I called you I'm confused but she was so amazing I don't want to just let her go!" She sighed again"Eren I'm too busy to deal with your bullshit goodbye" Boop I sighed and put my phone down. The doorbell rang and I went to get my pizza. I ate in silence and then went to lay down I was bored until I heard my phone buzz


Wanna go swimming this weekend?




Haha its funny you use that I just met a girl today who had no idea what it meant

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