Fight Me

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Mikasa pov

It was Monday and we were back at school. The group told everyone about our sleepover and I seems like more and more people want to talk to me. Also I feel closer to Eren yesterday we spent the whole day at his lake talking about things and swimming. I learned some things about him. He's interesting. He mentioned that his girlfriend's name was Hitch. He said,"Her name is Hitch she's my girlfriend but she's not mine" I really don't know what he meant by that so I just nodded. I sat down in class my head in my palm and my arm rested on the desk daydreaming about this  Eren.

Suddenly everything went black. I was shocked at first but I knew I was fine when I heard a playful "guess who?"  I smiled at the sound of his voice"Satan?" I replied laughing a bit. He took his hands off of my eyes and sat in his desk." You pronounced 'Eren' wrong" he said to me I shrugged. "Did I?" I asked we stared at each other for a bit then I turned away. "Did you do your homework Mr. Jaeger?" I asked him he eagerly pulled out a couple of worksheets. "Indeed I did Miss Ackerman thanks for the help yesterday" he held his arms open for a hug. I was going to give him one but I heard a high pitched baby voiced "Ereeennn!" I turned around and saw a really pretty girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I looked back at Eren who didn't look too happy to see the pretty girl.

She turned to the teacher"Ms. Rico I need to borrow Eren ok thanks Eren come on!" She said in a demanding voice. She didn't even wait for an answer from the teacher she just walked up to Eren and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the classroom. Who is she? I asked myself. Is that his girlfriend?... No! It couldn't be I saw the messages his girlfriend is very sweet she wouldn't just interrupt the class and rudley take a student! She must be from a club or something he's in. I turned my attention to the board and started copying down two sets of note one for me and one for Eren just so he won't miss anything. "Thanks Mika!" I heard a male's voice say but it wasn't Eren's I looked up. "For what?" I asked Armin.

He pointed to the two notebooks I had "You're taking notes for Eren right? Thanks he'll really appreciate it!" I smiled and nodded. Soon class was coming to it's end I was finishing up Eren's notes when the door opened I looked up in hopes to see Eren's smiling face but I just saw the pretty girls face she looked kinda mad. She walked over to Eren's seat and began collecting his backpack and homework he left on the desk before leaving I glanced at the clock.  There's not much time I don't think Eren is coming back... I sighed and held the notebook up to the lady. "Um Miss I don't think Eren is coming back but I took some notes for him could you give them to him when you see him again?" I asked she glared at me and snatched the notebook from my hands she looked at the notes and scoffed. "Do you really think that doing his work for him will make him like you? Back off you little slut he already has a girlfriend!" She said

Armin stood up "Stop it Hitch all she did was take notes for him!" He defended. Hitch? THIS is Hitch? What happened to the sweet girl I heard Eren speak to and text? I pointed to her "Wait... You're Hi-" *DIIIINNNGGGthe school bell rang and everyone fleed the classroom before I could finish my sentence Hitch spun on her heels and walked out of the door but not before throwing my note book  with Eren's notes in the trash and giving me a 'fight me' look.

I watched as she sashayed out of the room. I turned to Armin and he gave me an apologetic look and bow. "I'm really sorry about that Mikasa Hitch isn't he nicest person." He said and went to retrieve my notebook from the trash. He dusted it off and checked for anything gross then he handed it back to me. "Thank you Armin and don't apologise it's not your fault!" I said smiling at him he smiled back and nodded. "Well I'll see you later Mika have a great day!" He walked out and I put the notebook in my backpack and left for my next class.

When I got there I sat in my usual spot next to Sasha and Jean sat awkwardly close. It seemed like everytime I would glance over to him he was about an inch closer. It didn't really bother me that much until he was practically sitting in my chair. I sighed and put my pencil down. "Do you need something Jean?" I asked looking his way. He blushed and scooted back into his chair and it was back under his desk."Actually yeah.. kinda.." I turned fully towards him"So what is it?" I asked he blushed super hard and looked down "well I uh uhm uh I would I umm" I was super confused but gave him a 'take your time' look. Though I really didn't want him too his nervousness was a little annoying.

I'm not that scary he closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. "Mikasa will you please go out on a date with me?" I'm guessing Sasha heard this because she broke out laughing she laughed so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes."Oh Jean Mikasa doesn't want to be with a boy who has a vagina!" She said this made Reiner laugh too and Mina tried hard not to. What do they mean Jean has a vagina? Reiner turned around "And she surely doesn't want a horse!" This made them all loose it and laugh hard. Sasha was even rolling on the floor. Jean rolled his eyes in anger.

I felt bad so I cleared my throat to make them stop talking. "Yes Jean I will go out on a date with you just tell me when and where alright?" I smiled his face brightened and he pulled out a pencil and paper and started writing down a setting and time. When he was done he handed it to me "it's a date!" He said smiling at me. You know he does kinda look like a horse! I couldn't help but laugh a little. I nodded at him hiding my face so he wouldn't see me laughing at him. My first date... wow! Honestly though I'm really sad it's not with Eren. When class was over I went out in the halls ready for next class I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and smiled"Eren! Where have you been?" I asked he smiled and shrugged. "Had some things to take care of...what's that?" He asked taking the paper Jean gave me out of my hand and reading it. "oh I'm going on a date with Jean" I said even though I didn't want to say it I wanted to proudly say 'I'm going on a date with Eren Jaeger!'  but I couldn't I'm not going on a date with Eren Jaeger but Jean Krustylips- I mean Kirschten... I looked at Eren his face showed obvious sadness. But I don't know why. He gave me back the paper and said "Right bye Mika!" He quickly turned around and started walking away. I was going to let him go but I remembered something. "Oh wait Eren I have notes for you!" I said he just kept walking though. Maybe he didn't hear me...

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