It's Not Me!

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My dog has been humping one of my little stuffed animal bears my little sister saw and she started to cry saying they should be friends and not fighting ♥♥♥

Mikasa pov

I walked to the park that Jean told me to meet him at. He told me he had the whole day planned and I didn't need to bring money or anything I still did. Not because I didn't trust him or anything but just because it's better to be sure. As I got closer to the park I could see him sitting on a bench with a smile on his  staring at the children playing. That's kinda creepy!  I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He jumped slightly and turned to me. "H-Hey Mik-kasa" I sat down next to him. "Hi Jean!" I smiled You seem nervous Jean... please don't be" Where do you plan on going today?" He smiled at me the nervousness slowly leaving his face. He stood up. "I wanted to take you to ride the carousel!" I smiled. The carousel is so much fun. I remember riding it all the time with Mama and Papa.  

I followed Jean out of the park and to the carousel. When we got on he rode the black horse and I rode the brown one. We span around slowly with the other people laughing. I looked at Jean.  He was beautiful. His head tossed back and his eyes closed his smile bright and his hands grasping the pole and he rode round and round up and down on the horse. Jean was no doubt amazing but still I wished it was Eren perfectly sitting on the horse while we span in circles and bounced up and down. I sighed and rested my head on the pole watching my world spin around and around. Everytime I came around I  saw a little girl waiting with her parents her eyes lit up everytime she looked at me. I gave her a smile I must look so cool to her..Like one of those tiny ballerinas in the small boxes. Soon the ride slowed down and I got off with Jean. I watched as the little girl got onto the carousel and sat in the same place as me. I looked at her parents they stayed there and watched her. Why aren't they getting on with her? They have an opportunity to be with their daughter...and they aren't taking it!

I didn't notice the tear making its way down my cheek until Jean wiped it away. "Are you okay?" He asked giving me a kind smile.  I nodded and smiled "yeah! I'm fine!" Don't lie "just a bit dissy from the ride I guess." I scratched the back of my head and smiled.  "How about we go and get tempura?" He suggested  Yess I'm so hungry! "Yess I'm so hungry!" I said to him. "I know the perfect place let's go!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the restaurant. I looked over at the carousel and looked at the girl one last time. She gave me a smile and i watched her go around and and around. Ballerina

It took some time to get to Jean's restaurant but we finally arrived and sat down at a table. We ordered our food and waited in silence. I awkwardly drank my soda thinking of something to talk about. "So how long have you known everyone in that friend group?" I asked him he shrugged" I've known most them from 7th grade but I've known Marco my whole life!" He blushed and got kinda shy when he said Marco's name. I smirked. "Marco is really special to you huh?" I asked he nodded eagerly "He's so kind and thoughtful and encouraging" he gushed. I smiled softly. He sighed " His eyes are beautiful and his freckles are adorable! He's so fucking handsome and he doesn't even realize it he's smart and friends with everyone he meets I've never seen him hurt anyone he's just perfect too perfect he's an angel no he's Jesus himself!" oh my gosh...could it be? I opened my mouth ready to ask my question but suddenly a plate was placed in front of me. We thanked out waiter and started eating. I know it's none of my business but I have to ask! "Jean?"

"Yeah?" I kept my head down to avoid eye contact with him. "Why did you ask me out on a date?" I asked him  poking around at my fried vegetables.  "Because you're really nice and pretty. I thought you would be fun to hang out with" he said my eyes widened. We both went silent. It's not me is it? 

"Yeah?" We still didn't look at each other. "Do you like Marco?" I asked. Noooo why did you do that it's none of your business none of your business!!! "...yeah.." I looked up to see him. He still looked down.  His face cherry red hands in his lap.  I couldn't help but smile. And then I laughed...hard. Jean looked at me confused. "What?" I tried to stop laughing "I don't know I just thought" I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breath " I thought you asked me out on a date because you wanted me to be your girlfriend" he crossed his arms over his chest "hey I could have a thing for you you never know!" He said I laughed harder "sure Jean". We went back to eating in silence this time it was comfortable and not awkward. I was so happy and relieved that he liked someone else.

When we were done he walked me home. "Are you going to ask him out on a date date?" I asked. Jean shrugged "probably not. I don't even know if he likes boys." I shrugged. "Well you'll never know until you asked" I smiled. "I've kinda had this fantasy about me confessing to him." He said shyly. I stopped walking. "Ooh a fantasy? Tell me about it"  he sighed "it's nothing special really... I just want us to be slow dancing at a party together and when the moment is right I'll lean in and kiss him and he kisses me back and everything is pure bliss" pure bliss "Jean that's beautiful" I say to him. "Yeah but it will never happen" he says sadly. I was not having that."how do you know? You haven't tried it!" I crossed my arms over my chest. "But have you ever been to one of those parties? They don't let you have romantic moments like that" I sighed and looked at my house.

Lightbulb "then let's have a party!" He looked at me "what do you mean?" He asked me. "At my house! We'll have a party it'll be fun and if you help me with the party I'll help you get your moment with Marco!" He smiled. "Really?" He asked "Really Really!" I said laughing. "Then it's settled! We can start discussing the party some other time I gotta get home before my mom starts to worry" he  said I smiled and gave him a hug and big smile. "See ya!" I said

 "See ya!" I said

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