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"There’s nothing crueler than
letting a dream end midway."

The morning sun shown through the moth eaten curtains of your small bedroom, the dust particles in the air dancing around without direction as you opened your (E/C) eyes. You blinked, taking in your surroundings as you woke up, before yawning and sliding back under the covers. A tired voice called to you from behind a wooden door, the owner of the voice knocking to gain your attention.

"Come on now kiddo, wake up! You need to get ready!"

"Y-Yeah...I'm coming."

You groaned and sat up, quickly pushing your (H/C) hair back to try and hide the bed head you were sporting. What time was it? You stumbled out of bed and began your very early morning routine; using the cracked mirror hanging on the wall as you changed into the outfit you had picked days before. Today was the day, wasn't it? You tied your boots and fluffed out your skirt, flattening your jacket as you styled your hair and grabbed your bag, slinging it over one shoulder.


"I'm coming!"

You swung open your door with a huff, your siblings clambering down the hallway to try and tackle you, but you quickly dodged, jumping over one of them and spinning out of reach of another, before being grabbed from behind by the third. You growled and tried to fight them off, the little leeches only leaving you alone once your stern mothers voice called out.

"Leave (F/N) alone today, children. She's going on a journey that will be stressful."

"How long are you gonna be gone?!"

"Are you gonna die?"

"I hope so-"

You sat down at the table with a sigh and thanked your mother as she handed you a plate and a bowl, filled to the brim with steaming soup and different foods. Your father sat down adjacent to you, sipping on what he called 'his wake up juice' but you knew what it really was. The smell always gave it away, but only to the oldest kids.

"I still think the blacksmiths son should accompany you, kiddo. Even down South can be dangerous, you know."

"I can do it alone, Father. I don't need a guide or some stupid babysitter. I'm not a kid anymore."

You picked at your food and shook your head, apologizing for the attitude as your father only chuckled and shook his head back.

"No no, you're right; you're not a child anymore. So maybe you should find your own house to live in and start looking for a husband."


"What? You said-"

You punched his shoulder and growled, making him laugh even more as he ruffled your hair. Your mother chuckled and looked out the window at the rising sun, her eyes watering slightly as she turned around and hugged herself.

"You're growing up so fast, but please don't forget that you're still human."

"I won't, Mother..."

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