Side Story - Todoroki

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"Shoto...Shoto~ Where are you? Come out from where you are hiding!"

The white and red haired girl smiled and jogged through the halls of the castle, calling out to her little brother. Shoto giggled from underneath a floral footstool, covering his mouth as his sister skipped by. She smirked, knowing exactly where he was, but she sighed exaggeratedly, stretching her arms and whining loudly.

"By the Gods, Shoto is just too good at this game! I will never be able to find him!"

She sat down on the footstool and praised her little brother, calling every compliment while pretending she didn't know where he was. Shoto scooted out from under the footstool, crouching next to her before shouting.



The girl cried out when her brother lunged at her, giggling and picking him up to spin him around. The boy smiled back and cheered for himself, proudly announcing that he had won the game. Fuyumi squeezed Shoto in a tight hug, holding him close to her as he began to struggle in her grasp.

"I c- I can't breathe! Fuyumi!"

"I can't help it, Shoto! You might hide again, and what if I never find you?! I'll just have to hold you close forever!"

"Gahh, cut it out sister!"

Eventually the small child wriggled his way out of her grasp, panting and ruffling his own hair. His parents always wanted it straight and tied back, but when he was with his siblings, he was able to let it lay freely, tangled and however he wanted it. He smiled up at Fuyumi, who smiled widely back, brushing his heterochromatic hair out from his eyes. The blue and grey iris' shown in the light reflected from the large windows, a feeling of bliss washing over the older sibling.

"Fuyumi. Shoto. Come on, mother and father, they're waiting."

"Coming Touya!"

Fuyumi picked Shoto back up and carried him on her hip, poking at the small boy as she fixed his formal outfit, making sure it didn't get wrinkled or dirtied while they played. The eldest, Touya, smirked down at the two and rolled his head, cracking his neck as he spoke sarcastically.

"We wouldn't want to upset his majesty now, would we?"

"Hush, Touya, dinner will be fine tonight, IF you do not start anything with father."

"No promises, Princess."

Fuyumi puffed out her cheeks, whining as Touya ruffled her styled hair, knocking it out of the bun it was up in.

"It looks better down, Fuyumi. Don't wear it up just because of them."

"I...I am not. I like it up."

Touya scoffed and opened the door for his sister, meeting up with the fourth and final sibling. The white haired boy stood by the door, staring tiredly out the window before his eyes trailed over to his siblings. Touya continued to walk by his sisters side until he was close enough, before quickly grabbing the boy and pulling the younger brother into a headlock.

"H-Hey! Cut it out, Touya!"

"No way, Natsuo, you were asking for this!"


"Just the way you were standin there."

The eldest laughed and continued to harass his brother, not even stopping when the large door clicked open, revealing the next room.

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