Side Story - Shinsou

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"Is that the coin?!"

"How do we know you didn't steal it?!"

"I know you! You're that con artist who-"

"Everyone shut up!"

Shinsou gritted his teeth and sneered at the crowd, holding up the coin even higher.

"I stand before you fools to tell you the truth! Have any of you even seen one of these coins with your own eyes?"

The quiet answers amongst the crowds suddenly became silent. Focus. Shinsous frown turned into a smirk as he continued talking.

"That's better. You all know this coin is the real thing, because I'm telling you it is. So who wants it?"

Suddenly the entire city center erupted with screams and shouts from the crowd. People were climbing over each other and struggling to make their way to Shinsou, begging for the coin and trampling anyone that got in their way. The purple haired boy groaned internally as he looked off in the distance, his grip on the chimney he held onto tightening. He could see the three that had jumped him running off away from the square, and he sighed, shaking his head as he looked at the fake, golden Mirag coin Kirishima Eijirou had given him.

"Fools...none of them can even tell."

Even the guards fell useless to Shinsou, either falling for his hypnosis, or trying to fight back the others who did. Either way, the square was chaos. After another minute of listening to the screams and cries of people struggling to get to him, Shinsou pocketed the coin and jumped down the opposite side of the roof. He jogged for a moment, sprinting and leaping across a gap between buildings, and began to parkour his way out of sight.

"Just have to...get out of here before Sensei shows up-"

"Too late."

Shinsou ran by another chimney, time slowing down as he looked over and saw the black haired man leaning against it. Aizawa smirked as Shinsou yelped and tripped, falling against the roof and rolling towards the edge. He used his scarf to wrap around anything sticking out of the roof, another chimney, a pipe, something, but he couldn't find anything. He grinded his teeth as he saw the edge of the roof, preparing to catch himself if he fell, but he didn't.

"You can't even save yourself now? Are you that out of it today?"

Aizawa threw his own scarf forward, wrapping it around Shinsou and pulling the purple haired boy to a stop. Shinsou held his breath until he knew he was stable, sighing loudly as the scarf unwrapped itself from him. He panted, staring down at the roofs shingles and closing his eyes tiredly. Aizawa slowly came closer, kicking the boy gently until he was flipped over on his back, and crouched down.

"Get up."

"G-Give me a minute.."

Shinsou slowly sat up, coughing as blood dripped down from his nose. He could taste the irony fluid in his mouth and he groaned, coughing and spitting the blood off to the side. Aizawa shook his head and stood back up, crossing his arms like a disappointed parent.

"Let's get you home, and you can tell me everything, because I want to know why you decided to pull a stunt like that."


Shinsou stumbled to his feet and cracked his neck, stretching and cracking his back as he followed Aizawa, carefully jumping from rooftop to building, until they were back down in one of the hundreds of dim alleyways. Aizawa waited for his scarf to fully wrap back around himself, reaching for the door handle, before whipping his head back to look at Shinsou.

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