Chapter 14

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" much further?"

"Їt ѠөҴℓԀ Ԍө ҒДЅtЄЯ ЇҒ ҰөҴ ЅӉҴt Ҵҏ."


The blonde growled and looked away from you and the injured red head. Kirishima grunted and smiled at you when you asked what he had said, brushing it off as 'just another Bakugou comment'. The sun was setting now, and the three of you had been walking for the last few hours. After fighting with Bakugou, running off into the wilderness, meeting back up with Midoriya and the others, getting kidnapped, saved, and injured, only to find yourself back with Bakugou, you were surprised at how silent your walks still were.

The weeks before you found out Bakugou was lying to you, you two had tried to have small conversations, teaching each other words and phrases of your own language to try and communicate better. Now, you wanted to be able to understand him more than ever, and Bakugou, most likely didn't.

Sighing, you felt relieved when the front gate became clear in your vision. Finally. Kirishima and Bakugou looked at each other before the blonde pulled a hood tucked away under his cape up over his head, hiding his face. He then reached into his bag and grabbed a large headband, handing it to Kirishima. You watched puzzled as he put it on over the horns protruding from his hair, and he smiled weakly.

"Like I said before, the Mirag aren't very welcomed here. It's better if we didn't stand out too much."

You snorted, covering your mouth as you forced yourself to not laugh. A bloodied and injured Mirag prince, dragon, and Egabian, in tribal, warrior, and torn hunting clothes, trying not to stand out. It sounded like the start to a bad joke. You apologized as Kirishima pouted and shook his head, agreeing with you.

"I know, I know we're going to stand out, but anything helps."

You nodded and the three of you continued your trek to the gate, stopping when a soldier shouted down at you. You stepped back, hearing the sound of metal clanking and seeing large mounted crossbows pointed down at you. Backing up behind Bakugou, he growled and looked over to Kirishima, who shouted back to the guard.

"We're, we're travelers from Triton! Just looking for work!"

The guard glared down at the three of you, and nodded over to his associate. After a few seconds, the gates opened, and Kirishima thanked the men above you before casually walking towards the door, trying his best to hide his limp. You stayed close to Bakugou, even more nervous when you saw his arms shaking slightly. Was he mad or scared? The doors were ten times your height, and you stared in awe when you passed through, seeing that, even close to sunset, the city bustled.

The streets were packed, with the buildings and roads steadily inclining up the hills towards the center castle. This place is huge. The boys weren't as impressed as you were, and they quickly moved to the side as your eyes continued to stare at everything around you. Bakugou snapped his fingers in front of your face and you winced, coming back to reality as Kirishima whispered.

"Okay, now we need somewhere low to stay for the night, somewhere we can possibly trade for rather than pay.."

He commented on Bakugous money and the blonde opened a small pouch on his belt, pulling out an oddly and rough shaped coin. He shook his head and shoved it back into the pouch, and you raised an eyebrow.

"Mirag money, no one would take it here."

"Ah...well I've got some savings from home! Let me-"

You felt around in your bag and froze, your eye twitching before quickly looking down and rummaging through your bag. Kirishimas hopeful smile faded when you began to mumble, going so far as to dump all of your belongings out as you looked for your coin pouch.

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