Chapter 59

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The infirmary was cold, the aura of the room nerve wrecking and pitiful as Todoroki told everyone what had happened. He started from the beginning, describing the magic and curse he was attacked with in clear detail, trying to offer any extra help to Recovery Girl as she listened. He explained how he had tried to hide it from the others, and how it grew, only to be found later on, helpless in the Northern Forests. He described how you had come across him, and used the Gods Springs to settle the curse, and even how he had visited Tokoyami Fumikage for advice, giving him the ability to control the curse, if even for a moment.

The more he went on, the more of a toll it took on the poor womans heart. She climbed back into her own chair and sank into it, almost in tears as he finally explained what had just happened out on the balcony, and why you and him were both recently injured.

"Shoto...oh Shoto, little prince. All this were hurting alone. You were hiding this from me?! Hah?!"

The elderly woman threw one of her many books from behind her at the prince, slamming her hand on her desk as he braced himself to be hit by the hardcover.

"These aren't things you must keep hidden! They are to be examined immediately! Has living here taught you nothing?!"

"I think he's aware of the consequences of that, Madam."

Hawks intervened, putting his hand on the womans shoulder as he spoke to Todoroki, his words softer and his tone more serious.

"However, we will have to tell your father-"

"Let me tell him. I will. I promise, tonight, at dinner."

The two glanced at each other before Recovery Girl sighed loudly, shaking her head and turning her attention to you.

"I don't like this one bit. Lying, concealing injuries. That's how you die young. That's probably why villains are villains; they didn't have anyone to care for them."

"We aren't...whatever. Just please, help (F/N), and then you can do with my wounds as you wish."

Hearing the willingness to be helped without complaint sent a surge of energy through the elderly woman, making her devotion to cleaning you up all the more stronger. She immediately grabbed the bandages and medicine she needed, concocting a mix in a small mortar and pestle as she grumbled.

"If only you were like that your whole life, little Prince. Complacent and not so headstrong when it came to showing weakness. Just how many injuries have you been hiding?"

She worked diligently, cleaning the blood from your wounds and plastering the mixture onto your gashes, bandaging them up with one quick turn of the wrist. Todoroki rubbed the back of his neck and stared at the ground in concentration, before quietly admitting.

"From when I first left the castle...maybe, 47 injuries?"

The room went silent again, before Recovery Girl shouted and launched another book his way, herding you, Kirishima, and Bakugou out of the infirmary.

"Your wounds will start to feel numb within the next hour, but that's part of the healing process. Stay hydrated and keep your bandages on for the next twenty four hours. Now please, don't get hurt anymore until I've taken care of the Prince. Now, Shoto-"

The elderly woman slammed the door in your face, making you blinked as you sighed with relief. You turned around and went to speak, getting cut off as the door swung open once more.

"And take this annoying pest with you!"

You turned back around and came face to face with Hawks, the blondes own expression one of shock. He turned to Recovery Girl and went to interject, but once again, the door was slammed in his face, the wind brushing his feathers towards you and the others. The four of you stood in silence as the soft rustling of Todoroki trying to get away from Recovery Girl echoed from beyond the door. Hawks slowly lowered his hand in defeat, clapping his hands together once as he turned on his heel to face you again.

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