Chapter 7

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What the hell is going on?

You stare at the people in front of you, taking in your surroundings. Bakugou was down in a fighting position, sword in hand, ready to kill the person in front of him. The person in front of him, previously called Deku, was tense, but held onto the hilt of his blade, not wanting to, but ready to fight. The people behind him were still bickering with eachother about something unrelated, and you stared at the scene in front of you. The Green haired boy spoke up, his voice shaking more than before.

"K-Kacchan, we didn't expect to see you here.."

Bakugou took no interest in his words, and instead lunged at him with his sword, shouting in his own language. The boy immediately drew his own to block the attack, and the fight began. The two other boys mumbled to each other about whether they should stop the brawl or not as the girl came closer to the riverbank, opening her cloak to create a makeshift curtain. She smiled down at you with rosy cheeks and a soft face, whispering loudly over the sound of clanging metal and arguing.

"You probably want to get out of there and into some clothes, I can stand here for you. My name is Uraraka by the way, Uraraka Ochako!"

You stared back nervously and smiled weakly, nodding and climbing out of the river, covering yourself before quickly grabbing the clean outfit you brought with you.

"(L/N). (L/N)(F/N)."

"It's nice to meet you (F/N)."

How friendly. You hastily slipped into the second outfit you had brought along, adjusting the belt and rolling up the sleeves. It wasn't the casual dress you started in, but this was what you wore when you went out hunting with your family; it felt fitting to bring on the journey. Uraraka dropped her arms when you finished and motioned for you to follow her, walking back to the others as Bakugou and Deku continued to fight.

Hesitantly, you stepped up behind her and nodded to the fight, still keeping your voices low, but loud enough to hear each other.

"Do you all know each other?"

The taller of the boys looked down at you and adjusted his glasses, irritation in his voice.

"Of course. I'm sure Uraraka already introduced herself, my name is Iida Tenya, and this here is Todo-"

The male cut his friend off with a hand on his shoulder, staring at you with almost tired looking eyes.

"I'm Shoto, and the one fighting over there is Midoriya. You are..?"

You went to speak but the cheery girl had chimed in, repeating your name in a singsong tone with a smile, before letting it fade, her eyes trailing to the fight. It was slowing down, but was moving further down the riverbank.

"Her name is (F/N)! But...I don't know why, or how, she's traveling with him."

Her eyes quickly glanced up to you and you blushed, flustered from the sudden and almost defensive question. Did they know Bakugou?

"How did you come to travel with Kacchan?"

There was that name again. Kacchan. Was it a nickname? An alias? You scratched your cheek awkwardly and chuckled, trying to be vague but still truthful.

"Oh um, our paths just sort of, intertwined? We're both going to the same place so we decided to travel together!"

Her eyebrows went up in surprise as she glanced back at Bakugou and Deku, who were now panting and trying to recover from their fight. Bakugou was flat on the ground, holding onto his torso, while Midoriya was holding himself up against a large rock, a worried expression on his face. Shoto called him over and looked back at you quizzically.

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