Chapter 5

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Bakugou cracked his neck and moved his body closer to the fire, placing a hand on his torso. The wound was burning more and more, but at least the bleeding had gone down over time. His view slowly moved from the fire to the girl across the camp, and his eyes narrowed. She was crouched over his items, constantly switching between her journal and the things she had gathered earlier. What was she doing?

Bakugou shook his head and hissed in pain, accidentally putting too much pressure on his side. He sighed and leaned his head back to look up at the sky, watching the stars glimmer in the darkness. He was tired, he was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was sleep, but he knew he couldn't, but his eyes began to shut on their own. Damn it.

"Hey, hey stay with me now, it's done!"

Bakugous eyes shot open and he whipped his head up to look at the girl standing above him. His eye twitched as she yelled, and eventually rolled when she continued to talk to him casually. Does she not remember that you can't understand each other? She crouch down and sat on her knees, patting his body and motion for him to sit up, and he reluctantly obliged.

"I've made something that...I'm pretty sure will help-"

The words meant nothing to him, but the tone in her voice, and the hesitation made him weary, glaring down at her with a questionable expression. The girl smiled nervously and waved off what she knew he was thinking, trying to tell him it would be okay. She held the bowl against her chest and tugged on his arm, forcing him to remove his hand, and he grimaced again from the cool air.

Suddenly a sharp pain stemmed from the wound, and he cried out, knocking the girls hand away. She had covered half of the gash with that...with whatever she had concocted earlier, and it stung like hell. She quietly shouted at him with a stern voice as she tried to apply more, but he grabbed her wrist and held it back, growling in her face. Her eyes narrowed and she dropped the bowl, freeing her other hand.


The echo of a sharp slap rippled through the terrain, and then there was silence again. Bakugou stared off into the forest, confused and unsure of what had just happened. His eyes slowly trailed back to look at the girl in front of him, her hand falling out of position. Did she...hit him? She grabbed the bowl again and continued to apply the paste, speaking lowly with irritation in her voice.

"I don't care who you are, I'm helping you, so stop acting like a child."

Child. He recognized that word. He didn't think he was acting like a child. Bakugou felt his cheek burn from the connection and his eyes lowered, still looking down to the girl. Who did she think she was? Hitting a future leader, a dragon rider of all things? She tossed the bowl near the fire and leaned back, slowly unbuttoning her shirt. Bakugou felt his face flush as he quickly looked away, straining his eyes to not look back. First she hits him, and now this?

"Sorry, but I already ripped my jacket, and I...don't know where you put it,"

She ripped at the sleeve seam and wrapped her arms around him once again, tying the material like a bandage. Bakugou held his breath and threw his hand up to his head, pretending to rub his temple when in reality, he was covering his eyes. When she finished, she stood up and wiped down the tank top she had on underneath. The boy finally looked up at her and sighed in relief, glancing back down at his torso and feeling the bandage she had created.

The cool paste she had applied ceased the burning at this point, and it even felt numb, which made him feel better a hundred times over. The girl crouched over by the fire to warm herself up, beginning to talk to him again, as if he could understand her.

"That should help with everything, but you'll still need to clean it in the morning. Luckily the river was close, I don't know what we would've done. The ingredients are always found by riversides, so I knew that was what we needed to find first."

She rambled on, talking about what she had to find and how she had made the medicine, and Bakugou blinked slowly. She reminded him of someone he knew, and it pissed him off a little bit. He rubbed his forehead again and groaned loudly, hoping she'd understand. In an instant she was on him again, checking his forehead with concern echoing in her voice.

"Is it a fever? Is your head feeling okay? Uh-"

She pointed to his forehead and then felt it, placing the back of her hand against his warm skin. The blush from earlier only got redder as he knocked her hand away, shaking his head to motion that he was fine. Her face contorted with worry and Bakugou chuckled, falling onto his back with his hands under his head. The days were getting longer the further he was from home, and now having a travel companion made it twice as long. He noticed he was sleeping better at night, but he hated that he was more and more tired as the journey went on.

Staring back up at the stars, he slowly closed his eyes again. Thinking about the deer, he told himself he should've finished preparing it, but his body forced him to stay on the ground. The earth was silent as he listened to the river and the wind, but he so listened to the girl as she walked about the camp, humming and quietly singing to herself. What was she doing?

He peeked open one eye and tilted his head to see her skinning the rest of the deer, tossing the pelt aside and tying up the carcass. She carried it weakly to the forest and tossed the rope he had over a high branch, planning to hang the kill in the air. Bakugou felt another chuckle escape his lips when she jumped up to grab the end of the rope, not realizing she threw it too high and was now just out of reach. When she heard him, she glared over at the boy, who only laughed harder.

"I'm glad you're so amused!"

She grumbled and angrily spoke to herself as she climbed the tree to grab ahold of the rope she was only inches away from, and leapt down, yanking the deer into the above. Sighing loudly, she smacked the carcass as she walked back towards the camp, sticking her tongue out at Bakugou, who smiled and laid his head back down. At least she is entertaining.

He heard the crackle of wood as she tossed a couple more sticks and logs onto the fire, making the flame bigger for the night. A chill wind whirled by and they both shivered, Bakugou scolding himself for being so weak to the environment. Everything was quiet for a moment when suddenly, footsteps approached him and the heavy material of his cape was tossed onto him. He opened his eyes in surprise and they widened when the girl laid down next to him.

"I...I'm doing this because it's cold, the riverside and all.."

Despite the chilly air, her face grew red as she spoke and he smirked, watching her quickly turn around to lay facing away from him. He rubbed his cheek and felt the heat from his own blush, and clicked this tongue, muttering under his breath as he laid back down, not wanting to admit he was thankful for the makeshift blanket. Her breathing became lighter and eventually it was silent again, the empty noise of running water washing over his mind. Bakugou closed his eyes and unconsciously moved his body closer to hers for warmth, his clouded head reviewing his mission and beginning to plan ahead.

Hopefully Kirishima would be back soon.

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