Chapter 8

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"Is...this it?"

"Er, no, Todoroki, it looks like this."

You held out the journal closer to the boys face, letting him stare at the picture drawn underneath the description. He hummed to himself quietly and went back to rummaging around the bushes, leaving you to find your own ingredient. Iida had already found his portion of the list, and was now helping Todoroki finish his while you searched for your own, smiling as he pointed it out to his friend.

"It's this, Todoroki, see? It's got the same pattern along the edge."

You smiled and patted Iida on the back, thanking him as Todoroki glanced between the plant and the journal, confusion cemented on his face. Taking the journal back, you can checked off the last thing and applauded the others.

"That was the last thing we needed! Let's head back to camp now, I'd like to make this medicine as soon as possible."

Iida nodded and motioned for Todoroki to walk ahead of him, and you walked alongside the quiet boy as you all made your way back through the forest. An uneasy feeling crept up into your stomach and you sighed, turning your head slightly to look Iida in the eyes.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for earlier."

Iida tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, still walking along the path.


"Yeah, for what I said about the King, and your position-"

You rubbed the back of your neck and squeezed the bag of collected ingredients closer to your chest. Todoroki let his head fall back to join in on the conversation, speaking quietly but with a matter-of-fact tone.

"You don't really have anything to apologize for. The King is everything you said he was, even Iida can agree with you."

You raised an eyebrow this time and turned to look back at the knight, who was nodding his head.

"He's right, I have to be honest. My family may have served for generations, but that doesn't mean I have to follow the kingdoms ideals blindly. Midoriya inspired me to leave and make my own path."

You cocked your head, thinking back to the green haired boy and his personality.

"He doesn't seem like someone who could inspire a knight, or...anyone really."

Todoroki stopped and grabbed your shoulder, making you stop as well, the breeze rustling through the forest around the three of you. His eyes were narrowed, but they weren't cold like before. Instead, they were warm and full of what you could only describe as love.

"Midoriya is one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. You might not see it at first, but you will in time. Everyone always does, even people like Bakugou."

Bakugou. Your heart beat twice and you blinked, being reminded that your traveling companion was hurt and needed your help. You apologized to Todoroki and he brushed it off; the three of you once again making your way back to camp. You thought more about Midoriya, and even replayed your conversation with him about the King in your mind, considering Todorokis words with more care. Maybe Midoriya is more than he appeared. The camp came into view and your eyes widened, seeing a large fire bursting from its pit, with Uraraka smiling wildly while throwing more wood onto the pile. Bakugou was laying back a couple meters with his head turned, and Midoriya was pacing, trying to get his friend to calm down.

"Uraraka...I think that's enough fire-"

"No way! You can never have too much fire. We'll all stay warmer this way...hey (F/N)!"

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