Chapter 45

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The carriage rattled and shook as it went down the gravel path, the wind just barely blowing against everyone. The silence was quickly cut short when you smiled weakly at the people that had offered you a ride.

"It's nice to meet you...Monoma?"

"Neito Monoma, and the pleasures all mine..?"


The blonde that sat across from you within the carriage smirked and blew a kiss, his hand gesturing meticulously as Kendo rolled her eyes, shaking her head from the front seat.

"You were the one who said to not invite more people to join us-"

"And now I've changed my mind, I'm allowed to!"

Todoroki chuckled and you smiled weakly, leaning over and thanking the redhead for letting you and the prince tag along. She shrugged you off, shaking her head again as Tetsutetsu yawned tiredly.

"No need to thank us, it's an honor to get to travel with the Prince! Everyone is going to be so jealous when we get home, it'll really be a story to tell."

Todoroki blushed slightly, coughing as you nudged him, asking if he was okay. He nodded, but Monoma was quick to point it out, leaning on the edge of his seat with a sinister smile.

"So, why exactly did Prince Todoroki leave the comfort of Enjeer? Was it really to elope with a foreign beauty?"

"Why else would he be hangin' out in the middle of no where with some random girl, of course it is!"

"Tetsutetsu, be quiet."

You chuckled and quickly waved your hands, shaking your head as Todoroki buried his face in his hands, groaning quietly in embarrassment.

"It-It really isn't like that! We only just started traveling together. We're just...on a journey, and happened to meet up."

"A journey, a journey of lov-"

"Tetsutetsu don't make me hit you again."

The silver haired male huffed and crossed his arms, muttering under his breath as Kendo smiled back at you, giving Tetsutetsu the reins for a moment.

"We won't question you two any further, but it is strange to find the Prince out here. You know everyone has been so worried, your father even came down to the shop a few days ago."

Todoroki clicked his tongue, scratching his head as he mumbled, venom on his tongue.

"I doubt it was for good intentions. Probably made a big deal out of it to look good in the public eye."

Kendo pouted slightly and glanced off, her eyelids lowering before putting a smile back on.

"I'm not sure what's true or not, but I knew you were in safe hands. Yaoyarozu came by a while back, saying you were traveling with her and a couple of friends."

Monoma hummed and leaned back, tilting his head towards Kendo as she spun around completely, letting her legs hang into the carriage. The way he spoke was condescending, without even trying to be, and you couldn't help but be reminded of Bakugou when he thought he was right in an argument.

"But you're not with them, are you now, Prince?"


Todoroki dug his nails into the wood of the carriage, gritting his teeth.

"I'm not with them. That's...why we're going to Langston."

The blonde hummed again, turning his attention to you.

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