Chapter 4

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"Wait up!"

You panted and leaned against a rock, trying to catch your breath as the hunter turned around and growled. The two of you had been walking for hours, and your busted ankle was not making it any easier. Bakugou glared at you and you glared back, pointing angrily at him and then at your foot, trying to make him understand that you blamed him for the injury. When he looked down, his eye twitched and he turned back to continue walking. You groaned and began to limp after him once more.

The path you followed became smaller and eventually disappeared, making you look around at your surroundings. Were you even going somewhere on the map? A shortcut maybe? Bakugou looked like he knew where he was going, but how would you know? You continued to follow him and eventually the path turned into a steep hill. Grimacing at the thought of falling once again, you stopped at the edge and stared at Bakugou as he nonchalantly sled down, turning around to look at you.

You held your breath and took a step, careful to make sure your footing was strong before taking another. Things were going well. Slow, but well! You smirked triumphantly as Bakugou groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose; you were only a quarter way down the hill. He shouted sarcastically and you looked up at him, eyes widening as you lost your footing from the sudden noise. Screaming, you smacked your head against the dirt and rolled down, hitting every stone and clump of dirt as you fell.

Shivering against the Earth, you grit your teeth and held back tears, staring at the blood that dripped onto the ground from your nose.


Bakugou stared down at you tiredly and groaned loudly, trying to make it known how annoying his travelling partner was. You gasped as he pulled you to your feet by your coat and turned around, pointing to his back. You blinked at him in confusion, inhaling sharply when he crouched slightly. He wants to carry you? You grimaced for a moment but flinched when he yelled again, quickly climbing onto his back and wrapping your arms around his neck. He was warm, and you hummed unconsciously against his body as he stood up and continued down the path and into the forest.

His hands gripped your thighs tightly, making sure you wouldn't fall off, and you tightened your grip around his neck, hugging his body close. You inhaled his scent and closed your eyes, smiling at how sweet and hygienic he smelled. You imagined he would've smelled like he had been living in the woods for weeks, because he had. However, it was sweet, like the candies you had made before in your village. It reminded you of home, and you felt a pang in your heart. You had only been gone a few days, who knows how long Bakugou was gone for; weeks, maybe even months?

You leaned your chin down on his shoulder and looked up at him, watching his, normally angry face, instead be cold and calming, as if his normal expression was an act. If only you could communicate, this would be so much easier. You opened your mouth slightly and called his name to get his attention, making his eyes trail down to meet your (E/C) ones.

"Thank you, Bakugou."

He rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath, a few words and sounds you had heard him say before, and you sighed. Your eyes slowly wandered over to the side of the pathway, looking out into the dark forest, and a light went off in your mind. You called his name again with more energy and pointed over to a tree, making him stop in his tracks.


He looked at you and back to the tree, and then back to you.




"Close enough!"

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