Chapter 60

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Kirishima let out a heavy, exhausted sigh as he closed the door, leaning against the painted wood and letting his shoulders drop. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced over at the dress still sitting on the table, his gaze moving over to the large bed. You and Bakugou were entangled in the massive, fluffy blanket, peacefully sleeping as Kirishima smiled and shook his head. All this drama, so much to deal with, and yet here you two were, snuggled up with each other. The redhead pushed off of the door, setting the extra tea leaves Uraraka had given him on the nightstand and sitting down on the side of the bed, sinking into the mattress.

You lazily turned in place, readjusting in Bakugous arms as the Prince growled quietly. Even in his sleep, he was scolding you. How charming. Kirishima chuckled and carefully laid down on his side, still watching you as you weakly reached your hand out from under the blanket, as if you were searching for the redhead in your sleep. He extended his own hand, taking yours and nestling his cheek against your cool skin, his heart warming from feeling your grip tighten around his fingers. Was your dream peaceful this time? Were you dreaming with Bakugou? Kirishima felt his eyelids begin to lower, keeping his gaze on both you and his prince as he slowly fell asleep. Focus. Wake up. He needs to tell you about what happened...


The sound of birds chirping against the soft wind hit Kirishimas ears, and he weakly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to wake himself. He glanced around, feeling the cold earth beneath him as he sat up. This was familiar. A forest, deep with massive trees and a running river off in the distance. The sun somehow blazed through the canopy of leaves, shining from the side as the cool sound of the ocean could be heard on the horizon. No...this wasn't familiar anymore. Where was he?

Kirishima stood up and groaned, brushing himself off as footsteps caught his attention. They weren't coming towards him, but rather heading away, but he knew whose footsteps they were.


Kirishima followed in the general direction, eventually coming to an almost invisible dirt pathway, unused and forgotten over time. He followed the path, catching the smell of smoke, a fire, just up ahead. It wasn't the smell of a campfire though, it was refined, the smell of burning stone hitting his nose as he came to a ledge, seeing the path lead down to a small cottage in an empty clearing. He saw a silhouetted figure hanging up a deer in what looked like a small outdoor butchery. The figure moved into the cottage, smoking lifting into the air from the stone chimney, and suddenly voices erupted in the quiet forest, a conversation coming from within the forest home. Kirishima couldn't make out the words, but he made out the voices in an instant, stumbling down the path and jogging over to the cottage door, grabbing the handle and turning it quietly.

"Catch anything?"

"Yeah, hanging outside."

"Dinner is almost ready."

"Good, I'm starving."

Kirishima looked in shock to see you and Bakugou conversing so calmly, the blonde prince hanging up his cloak and setting aside his bow, while you set a small table for three. Three? He was taken aback when you called his name, hearing your voice beckon him almost making him jump.

"Ah, Kirishima!"


"You're just in time! Come on, join us."

Kirishima looked around, taking in the room as he slowly made his way over to the table. A fire was going in the rounded fireplace on the other side of the room, small benches and furniture scattering the area. A large sword sat mounted above the flames, decorative and covered in strange symbols. Was that...the Sword of All Might? It looked just like the weapon from their old stories. The redhead stared at the weapon, his eyes widening while having his attention brought back to you and Bakugou.

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