Chapter 41

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Shiketsu; a //all isolat// village clos/// to the M//// border, ///arated fro/ the re// of Oka//// by rolling hills /// the hars/ winds ///m //e Mirag Desert.

You groaned and squinted at the ruined pages of your journal, trying to read anything about the village ahead of you. A few words were just barely smudged, but some of it was still eligible. You looked back up at the sign, watching the carved wood sway in the wind. Shiketsu? Is that a Mirag word? It says it's close to the border, but not over it-

"Hey, who are you?"

You yelped and jumped back, slamming the journal shut as a blonde girl giggled in front of you. Her wide eyes stared at you in wonder, quickly getting behind you and playing with the material of your top.

"This is super cute, are you Mirag? What's your name? You look way too clean to be from there, but like, you're still pretty gross."

"Um, thanks?"

"Camie, get back inside!"

The girl named Camie smiled and pushed you towards the entrance, shouting to whoever had shouted at her. Looking around, you noticed the town was almost desolate, the only people you could see and hear was this Camie, and a purple haired boy in the house nearby.

"Seiji, check this out! I found a Mirag girl! Her names- wait, what's your name?"

"I never told you, please let go of me-"

You staggered out of Camies grasp, brushing yourself off as the voice of the man named Seiji continued to shout from the window.

"Camie, Gods, you know we're supposed to be inside, and why the hell are you dragging strangers in here?! Don't ask for her name, just get rid of her!"

"Seiji means well, come on, you can chill in his house. Let's go!"

"Chill? I'm sorry, what?"

Once again you were dragged along by this eccentric girl, pulled through a doorway and into an average sized house. It was bigger than yours back home, but not the biggest you've seen so far on this journey. Seiji, you assumed, was standing near the open window, slamming it shut as his eyes narrowed towards you.

"Who, are you."

"My names...(F/N)."

Seiji hummed, moving closer and walking past you as he grabbed Camies cheek, squeezing it and making her whine. She brushed him off and huffed, crossing her arms.

"And you, you know what time it is, you know you're supposed to stay inside. Inasa isn't even back yet-"

"Okay and? What, was I like, supposed to just leave a stranger outside? That would be super rude, man."

Seiji rubbed the bridge of his nose as Camie was back on you, checking out your clothes and running her hand along your skin. Her movements reminded you of Setsuna, or at least, Toga Himiko disguised as Setsuna, and it sent a chill up your spine.

"So, so (F/N), where are you from? These are like, Mirag clothes right? I can tell from the bead patterns. What are you doing South of the border? Are you friends with Izuku Midoriya?"

"Look, I'm not Mirag, I'm just...wearing their style, that I picked up- wait, did you say Izuku?"

"I did!"

"Camie, sit down."

Seiji led the blonde over to a small table, forcing her into a seat as he offered a chair for you as well. You were hesitant to sit down, eventually sitting when Seiji also offered you tea. Camie stretched boredly, throwing herself down onto the table and stretching her arms out in front of you. You coughed and looked back down at the girl, blushing and glancing away when she looked up at you with half lidded eyes.

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