Chapter 11

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You stared at the green eyed boy in shock, your mouth hanging open before being tackled by Uraraka. The brunette hugged you tightly and whined, tears welling in her eyes.

"(F/N)! I'm...I'm so sorry! We should have tried harder to get you to believe us! You've been on my mind even since! I feel so bad..!"

Uraraka sobbed like a little kid against your chest and you patted her lightly, unsure of what else to do.

"It-It's okay, Uraraka. If anything, I should be the one apologizing-"

You brought your eyes from the girl clutching onto you, to the boys still standing behind Yaoyorozu. The black haired girl glanced around before stepping aside, cautiously sitting down next to Mina. You saw Iida, staring down at you with an upset, almost concerned look, and Todoroki, whos cold and blank stare loomed over your entire being. Midoriya looked at you with worry, gripping onto his bag as you spoke.

"I should have believed you guys, and I didn't. I'm sorry for leaving things the way I did."

You looked down at the ground apologetically as Sero and Kaminari looked at eachother. Unaware of the situation or what to do, and the black haired boy stood up, clapping his hands together.

"Hey, hey guys! No matter how you left things before, you can make it up now! Come on and sit, we can talk about everything over dinner."

Sero wrapped his arm around your shoulder and peeled you away from Uraraka, who was now trying to wipe her tears. Midoriya put a hand on the brunettes shoulder and whispered for her to calm down, escorting her to a seat near the other girls. Todoroki followed behind and sat down tiredly next to Yaoyorozu and Midoriya, but Iida hesitated, staying back a bit and refusing Kaminaris offer to sit with everyone. You didn't blame him, but when he made eye contact with you yet again, he sighed and joined the group, sitting down between Uraraka and Kaminari.

Jirou set up a pot near the edge of the fire pit, filling it with unknown ingredients as she spoke up over the quiet whisperings.

"Well, why don't we all get to know each other, for (F/N)'s sake? Denki, you start."

She nudged the blonde with her boot and he chuckled, sitting up straighter while shrugging his shoulders.

"There isn't much to say. I was a blacksmiths assistant a while back, and Jirou worked at a pub with her family in the same town. Midoriya and his group came through for the night and, well-"

He looked over at the green haired boy and smiled, making Midoriya blush and rub the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"He inspired me to leave and find my own path! Jirou, of course, couldn't live without me, so she tagged along-"

The girl with purple hair threw a twig from the fire at the boy and he yelped, causing the others to laugh as she glared over at you, trying to hide the blush rising on her cheeks.

"I only came with Denki because he'd be dead without me. My father also trained me in his free time, so I've got way more fighting experience than him."

Jirou nodded to Sero before glaring back at Kaminari, threatening him with another stick. The boy next to you smiled widely and looked down at you, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm not really anything exciting either. I was a farmhand until Kaminari told me about what he was doing. My parents didn't really want me to leave, but I told them I'd make a name for myself and the family. And here I am, helping to try and stop the war."

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