Chapter 19

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The room you stood in was dark, almost pitch black aside from a few candles and a chandelier hanging above what looked like a thrown. Attempting to move forward, you realized your hands were bound, and a hand slammed down onto your shoulder, pushing you to your knees.

"Don't fucking move."

You opened your mouth to speak but a booming voice overpowered your own, and you turned your head to look back in front of you.

"What is this, a brat from Egaby? How did she even get in?!"

A sound came to your right and you looked over, your (E/C) eyes widening when you saw Bakugou being pushed to his knees as well. He glared over at the voice in front of you and then looked at you, his eyes even angrier than before.

"And look, the Mirag Prince. What do you think of this, Takami?"

"Hey, wait-"

You went to speak, but before you could, you were shoved forward and fell straight onto your face, groaning quietly as the voice behind you spoke up; the man's tone charismatic yet uncaring.

"My first thought is revenge, Sir. Two traitors collaborating to take you down. Although, I'm not sure why they'd send two weak children..."

"Let me speak!"

You shouted into the floor and tried to sit up, only getting another kick to your back. You coughed and gasped for air, turning your head to face whoever was in front of you.

"We aren't conspirators, and we aren't traitors! If you would just listen, I could tell you why we're here-"

"Be quiet. Do you really think I'd listen to an Egabian? Silence yourself before I make you."

You closed your mouth and grit your teeth, feeling the heel from the man behind you digging into your spine. Why was this happening? How did you even get here? Your eyes traveled over to Bakugou, who only glared back before having his hair pulled to face forward. The booming voice in front of you came closer, and the man stepped out of the darkness. He was tall, taller than any man you had ever seen, with dark, firey red hair and piercing blue eyes. He glared down at the two of you with a deep intimidation, his mouth barely moving as he spoke.

"You sneak into my city. You steal from my family. You threaten my people's safety. You conspire with the monsters that plague my kingdom with war, and here you are, telling me what to do."

Was this...? The man stood in front of you and grabbed you by your hair, pulling you to your knees as you cried out in pain.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised your kind hasn't changed at all."

Your eyes had been squeezed shut from the pain and you felt your lip twitch. Hissing quietly and baring your teeth, you weakly opened one dark (E/C) eye to stare into the blue ones inches above you.

"King Endeavor."

The venom on your tongue tainted the name as it escaped your lips, and your body began to heat up in anger. The King looked down at you and scoffed before throwing your head back to the ground. The man behind you, the one who went by Takami, sighed and pulled you back to sit up on your knees, luckily by the back of your dress and not your hair. When you were back in place, you spit at the Kings feet as he made his way over to Bakugou.

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