Chapter 29

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The drumming rhythm of music echoed throughout the valley, the wind picking up at the edge of the cliff above. Shigaraki Tomura stood at the edge, overlooking one of the many Mirag villages, scratching his neck tiredly.

"Why did they travel so far up north, it's too hot."

Himiko Toga whimpered as her friend added more medicine to her barely healed stab wound, covering her mouth before she could cry out in pain. Dabi sighed and laid back down against a nearby rock, cracking his neck.

"I could always go down there and burn the village to the ground. I don't get why you won't let me."

"Because I don't want them dead yet, idiot."

Shigaraki scratched at his skin harder, the red marks slowly opening up into bleeding cuts. A man in a dark cloak sat crouched to the side, mixing a puddle of black liquid in the sand as he spoke quietly.

"If you know which tent they are in, I could easily transport you there. If you want them captured, we can do it with no problem."

Shigaraki growled and snapped back, whipping his head around to glare at the others for disagreeing with him.

"Oh yeah, good idea, kidnap the prince of the best hunters in the country, while on their territory, totally the best idea. Shut up, Kurogiri."

"Apologies, Tomura."

Toga continued to cry, the man healing her trying to calm her down. The bleeding had subsided, but the damage was going to be immense, and possibly permanent. The blonde grit her teeth and whined, the man pleading for her to stop.

"Come on darling, it won't hurt if you let me heal you."

"It's not that! I'm heartbroken! (F/N) just let that bastard stab me, with no remorse! That hurts more than any wound!"

The man groaned and ran his hand through his hair, shaking his head at the girl who cried below him. Dabi stretched his arms out and yawned, glancing over at the other member of their party.

"Oi, lizard, why don't you be useful and shut her up."

"I have a name, bastard."

Mumbling under his breath, the man came over and crouched next to the blonde laying on the ground, smiling at her.

"You'll find someone better, Himiko, I know you will. What about that Deku boy you're always talking about?"

"Oh yeah...Deku.."

The girls tears faded as a crazed smile formed on her face, making the man trying to heal her sigh with relief.

"Thank you, Iguchi."

Iguchi stood back up and smiled, showing off his whitened teeth. Shigaraki turned and stared at the man, still scratching his neck. Iguchi glanced over and made eye contact, pointing to his own neck with a concerned look.

"I don't want to overstep my boundaries, Tomura, but if you keep that up, your skin will turn out like mine."

Shigaraki moved away from the cliffs edge, scanning over his friends skin as he walked by. The man named Iguchi, nicknamed 'Lizard' had tough skin, almost like leather. It was discolored with a greenish hue, and patches of what looked like scales stuck out here and there. Poor bastard was probably born that way. Shigaraki shrugged off his comment, but let his hand fall to his side, shoving it inside his jackets pocket.

"You are overstepping boundaries, but fine."

Dabi closed his eyes, sighing in irritation as he heard Shigaraki step closer to him. He waited until the sound of movement stopped before opening one eye tiredly to see the blue haired man crouched next to him.

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