๏ Story Map & World Building ๏

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World Map

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World Map

Major Regions

- Okamoto

The country this story takes place most in. A prosperous country with many allies. Incredible land for agriculture, rich mountains for gem and jewel making, and culture filled with peace and diversity. A small exiled village in the Southeast has slowly been burned from Okamoto History.

- Mirag

A country filled with heat and passion; Mirag was once allied with its Southern neighbor, until the Great War caused the treaty to be abolished. Most of the country is empty desert, with tribes spread far and across the land, as well as on the small islands strewning the edges.

The Country of Okamoto

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The Country of Okamoto

Major Regions

- Faron Plains

Faron Plains are vast empty grasslands, filled mostly with rivers and secluded farmlands. It's not very populated, with flooding seasons and the uncontrollable overgrowth of vegitation.

- Enjeer Fields
The Enjeer Fields are far more populated than the Faron Plains, but they are still underdeveloped compared to the major cities. These fields surround Enjeer, the capital of Okamoto, and border the center of the country. The weather is drier in this area, but it receives enough rainfall to consider it the best agricultural region to live in.

- Musutafu Peninsula
Musutafu Peninsula sticks off from Mount Musutafu, and holds Farfoth, the number one mineral trading port in Okamoto. For six months of the year, Musutafu Peninsula is flooded and cut off from the rest of the country, but it's rich mineral deposits and supply from Mount Musutafu keep it well connected through business.

- Barron Desert
The Barron Desert is the driest region of Okamoto, creating a barrier between Mount Musutafu and the Mirag tribal lands, and the southern regions of the country. Very few people live in this region, but the capital, Enjeer, sits in the hills between it and the Enjeer Fields. It's dry climate offers poor use for agricultural, but excellent for mining, as well as a good natural wall against opposing countries.

Named Locations

- Bageen
A small hunting village South of the capital. Lots of animal farming, taking use of the vast plains surrounding its location.

- Carp
Large city east of Enjeer. Deals in cloths, fabrics, and dyes importing them from the Eastern Sea and into the capital.

- Diatrone
Fishing village, was the first to agree to the exile of Egaby. Lots of sailors end up in Langston as a part of the countrys growing Armada.

- Egaby
Small hunting village sectioned off from the rest of the country. The people of Egaby offered very little help in the last Great War hundreds of years before the Endeavor age, and has been ostracized by the people of Okamoto ever since. Genthburn was the last ally to leave Egaby, but have remained sympathic and offered help to the village. Large hills and deep forests surround Egaby, further isolating it from the rest of the world.

- Enjeer
Capital of Okamoto. Named after the God Enji by the royal family. Most communal trading city, Enjeer holds people of all regions, as well as the castle and home to King Endeavor. It's location in the hills provide excellent defense, an advantage during the flooding seasons, and is considered the safest place to live in the country.

- Farfoth
Large mining city located on the Musutafu Peninsula. Biggest mineral and ore trading port in Okamoto, and trades heavily with Langston.

- Genthburn
Major leading agricultural city in Okamoto. Creates most food and produce production out of all the cities, and have deep connections with every region. Held in high regard by the Royal family as a place of interest.

- Langston
Smaller city that deals in refinery of the ores sent in from Farfoth. Lead trader in jewelry, metals, and military equipment for Enjeer. Most of the country's soldiers are raised and trained here before shipping off to forts surrounding the capital.

- Mount Musutafu

Biggest mountain in Okmoto, if not the world. Home to the Temple of All Might and mining facilities from Farfoth. Used to belong to the Mirag people, but taken over during the last Great War for supplies and production. The base of the mountain is populated now and then by traders and mining camps, but earthquakes and landslides have made the region dangerous. No recent records of the temple are documented, as no one that has climbed Mount Musutafu has lived to return.

- Temple of All Might
Deserted temple devoted to the God All Might. Once a well respected place of worship, the temple was abandoned after the last Great War, left behind when prayers were unanswered. Rumors and ancient prophecies claim the Sword of All Might rests deep within the temple, and that a hero will reclaim the weapon after sacrificing a soul that loves the hero deeply, and therefore bring peace back to Okamoto. The temple is filled with labyrinths and puzzles that have thwarted and killed hundreds.

- Troughtpond
Large shipping and fishing district. Surrounded by multiple divides in the great rivers of Okamoto, Troughtpond is best known for its transportation as well as production of salts and sea life. Also very well connected to every region of the country, and held in high regard by the Royal family as a place of interest.

Major Events

- The Great War
A major event in Okamoto history. Spanned nearly a century with its end coming to fruition with King Endeavors grandfather rising to power. Many prayed to All Might in hopes that he would once again use the sword sealed within his temple to save the country, but no calls were answered.

- Exile of Egaby
The small Southern village was excluded and exiled from Okamoto after hearsay of Egabians offering shelter and support to the League during The Great War. Banished for complying with the enemy, illegal use of magics, and treason.

- The Dragon Genocide
Years after the Great War, the country of Okamoto declared that all Dragons were to return to Mirag, based on hearsay that dragons helped the League invade during the war. Those that did not comply were killed without trial.

- Mirag Raids
Short battles that spanned only two decades between Mirag and the Northern villages of Farfoth and Shiketsu. Seen as retaliation for the abolishment of the Okamoto and Mirag Alliance.

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