Chapter 3

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You groaned quietly and open your eyes halfway, seeing the blurry outline of two people, one definitely being familiar. You open your eyes wider and sit up, gasping as you finally remember what had happened. The two people look over at you and one shouts happily in another language. Jumping to your feet, a shockwave surges through your ankle and you fall again, only to be caught by the stranger.


You blink and stare back at him in confusion. He was tall, with red spiky hair making him taller than the other. Two dark red horns jutted out from his hair and his teeth were pointed, like a sharks, and your eyes filled with concern. The boy smiled awkwardly and looked at his friend, who shrugged angrily.

"Ah, Salve!"

You shook your head.

"Poti sa ma intelegi?"

You shook your head again, opening your mouth to speak. Was he trying to find your language?

"I speak the language of Egaby, uh-"

Your mind went blank and you realized you had never heard another language until now. Staying inside the walls of your isolated village, you assumed your people were the only people who spoke like you. Did the entire country talk like this? Just one region? You were brought back to reality by a quick pat to your cheek, looking back up at the red head.

"Oh, easy! Hello, this is it right? You can understand me?"


The boy cheered and looked over at the blonde, telling him something in their mother tongue, probably that he found he can understand you. He turned back to you and gave you a wide grin, showing off his sharp teeth once more.

"My name is Kirishima Eijirou, it's nice to meet you! And your name is..?"

"Oh! Um, my name is (L/N) (F/N), and he's-"

You paused and looked over at the blonde boy, realizing you didn't even know his name. Kirishima shook his head and waved you off, letting you go to wrap his arm around the boy heavily, who was quietly repeating your name to himself.

"I already know him, don't worry! We're friends, this is Bakugou."

Bakugou, interesting. You nodded and looked around, lifting your hurt ankle to stop putting pressure on it.

"And...The dragon?"

Kirishima blinked and covered his mouth, whispering in their own language to Bakugou, who rolled his eyes and barked your name. You flinched and looked over at him, who pointed irritably at Kirishima. The red head bowed and smiled again, laughing nervously.

"I'm the dragon you saw earlier, pretty cool huh?"

Your eyes widened and you froze, unconsciously letting your mouth drop. You finally moved and walked up to Kirishima, grabbing at his horns in fascination, making the boy blush slightly.

"You...You can turn into a dragon? So these are, I thought all dragons went extinct."

Suddenly your wrist was grabbed again, looking over to see Bakugou glaring down at you. You stared back as Kirishima laughed, trying once again to calm his friend down. He looked back at you and tapped his fingers together.

"D-Don't mind Baku, he doesn't really trust strangers."

The blonde shouted at his friend who shouted back and hit his arm, making Bakugou let go of you as you rubbed your wrist.

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