Chapter 63

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"Head up, (F/N), stay focused."


You groaned an apology and sat up straighter, fighting the urge not to pass out right into your pretend bowl of soup. Bakugou whispered and asked if you were okay, but Hawks cut him off, pointing to Kirishima with his wing.

"Look at his posture; he's perfect. You should both be matching Eijirou."

"Yeah, because he got a full night's sleep..."

"No I didn't."

You growled under your breath, and Kirishima growled back, making you sigh again as you closed your eyes to compose yourself. Even with no bad dreams, you felt exhausted after last night. Meeting and having a midnight meal with Natsuo and Fuyumi in the kitchen while learning about the truth behind the Royal family's dark past felt more draining than dealing with the King and his right hand man. At least, for you; Bakugou seemed fine, a little pent up, but still the same grumpy Prince you had come to love. You looked over and felt Kirishimas snarky glare, glaring back and whispering an apology.

"I said we were sorry about last night-"

"Don't care, I'm better at this than you."

You huffed and winced as Hawks swatted at the back of your head with his wing, once again scolding you for not paying attention. Not only were you exhausted from last night, but you were exhausted from having to explain yourself to Kirishima, who had awoken to you and Bakugou leaving and coming back, giving him the uncertainty of if you two were really who you said you were. You woke up being threatened by the dragon, both you and Bakugou having to spend the morning getting ready explaining to him where you were and being scolded for breaking the rules you had agreed to. Trying to whisper another apology, Kirishima rolled his eyes and whispered back that he already forgave you, but was still irritated you two had broken an important promise.

"We didn't do anything that bad."




Hawks put his wing across the table, blocking Bakugou and Kirishima from their conversation, and you huffed, looking up at the man with wings. He's harsher than usual.

"Haven't we had enough practice for today? We've been at this for hours-"

"If it's been that long, why haven't you perfected it yet?"

"It doesn't need to be perfect."

You sighed and got to your feet, pushing Hawks wing out of your face as he crossed his arms and stood firm against you. You brushed out your pale green dress skirt before putting your hands on your hips, standing off with Hawks.

"People think we're monsters already, won't they expect a few mistakes?"

"That's why you all need to be as graceful as royalty. They're expecting mistakes, so it'll be a shock to see how perfect you three have become."

You went to talk back, but a red feather appeared in front of your mouth, covering the lower half of your face as you gasped and watched the red feather float back towards Hawks. It was...detached? Was it magic? A side effect to having wings? Hawks sighed and rubbed his temple, shaking his head as Bakugou and Kirishima both got to their feet to join you.

"You three don't realize how important it is to have you properly trained before the ball-"

"With all due respect, we aren't that barbaric, Hawks."

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