Chapter 20

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Knock Knock

The door shook again from the heavy knocking, then suddenly swung open, allowing the dirty blonde adult to step into the room. He looked around boredly and scratched his head, glancing over at the glass balcony door that was swinging in the wind. The man strolled over to the door and pouted his lips, looking down into the busy street; his eyes scanning the crowd of civilians moving about.

"They're here somewhere."


Knock Knock

The three of you stared at the door with your breath held, your ears straining to listen as the stranger stood on the other side of the door. Kirishima looked back and forth between the door, and you, and then he smiled.

"(F/N)(L/N), we're going to need that coin of yours. I've got a plan."

You wanted the boy to explain, even just a little bit more about his 'plan', but the door handle jiggled loudly, forcing you to step back and nod your head. Bakugou quickly grabbed a chair and shoved it against the door, giving the three of you more time. Kirishima nodded back happily, turning around on his heel and throwing open the balcony doors. His knee lifted up onto the wooden railing, as if he were going to climb over it, but paused, and looked back at Bakugou. The blonde blinked in confusion and rolled his eyes, moving over and pushing Kirishima out of the way before vaulting over the balcony railing. You inhaled sharply, your heart stopping for a moment. You've seen him do dangerous things before, but it doesn't stop getting scary. Kirishima called your name and you snapped back to reality, moving closer and leaning over the railing to see the earth below.

Bakugou was just getting up from the ground, accidentally slipping when he landed and brushing himself off before looking back up at you. When his dark red eyes met with your (E/C) ones, a similar red hue crept down your ears until you looked away, instead looking over at Kirishima. The red head smirked at you before grabbing your waist and lifting you up over the guard rail.

"K-Kirishima! Wait!"

"Keep it down (L/N)! We don't want to get caught right away, do we?"

You covered your mouth for a moment, still whining quietly as the boy turned you around.

"This is ridiculous Kirishima-"

"No, this is hilarious."

With one final chuckle, Kirishima called Bakugous name and let you go slowly, dropping you off the edge of the balcony. That same weightless feeling from falling both out of the carriage and down the mountain sprung back into your stomach. Stars appeared in your eyes and you squeezed them shut, holding your breath until you felt Bakugous arms around you. Your shoulders stayed tense as you opened your eyes, glancing up at Bakugou, and with a soft smile, they loosened up in relief.

The blonde inhaled sharply, a light red forming on the sides of his cheeks as he quickly set you down, mumbling to himself and turning away from you. You brush yourself off as best you could and adjusted your belt, clicking your tongue at Kirishima as the red head landed on all fours next to the two of you.

"All right tough guy, what now?"

"Awe, you think I'm tough? БДҜҴԌөҴ, ҰөҴ ӉЄДЯ tӉДt? (Ғ/ҋ) ЅДЇԀ Ї ѠДЅ tөҴԌӉ."

Kirishima flexed his right arm and you rolled your eyes, holding back a laugh. Bakugou was glaring the dragon boy down with a scowl on his face.


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