Chapter 12

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"You damn idiot, you grabbed the wrong person."

"Oh don't be mad, she's way cuter and was easier to grab than some prince."

"That isn't the point, dumbass."

You slowly opened your eyes and felt the world shaking, your head throbbing even more than before. Looking around, all you could see was the wood flooring and someone's boot. Your eyes trailed up to look at the person sitting above you, and you met piercing blue eyes staring down into your (E/C) ones.

"Morning, bitch."

Your eyes widened and you went to speak, but your mouth was covered by a tightly knotted cloth. Twisting your arm around, you realized your wrists were tied behind your back. What's with people and tying up strangers? The man lifted his foot slowly and shoved it against your shoulder, pinning you against the hard floor and making you groan quietly. A giggle was heard behind you and you strained to look over to the other side, seeing a blonde girl smiling out of the corner of your eye. She stared down at you wildly, almost lustful, before dodging an attack from the man across from her.

"But seriously, you always fuck things up."

The girl whined and quickly pulled you away from the ground, forcing you to sit up as she peeled the material away from your face. Finally up and able to freely look around, you realized you were in the back of a covered carriage, and a fairly empty one at that. The second your mouth was free, you went to speak, but the girl had grabbed your cheeks and squished them childishly.

"It's not my fault! I couldn't resist her! She's adorable..."

Her eyes were yellow and shining in the shadow of her hood, staring deeply into you as she licked her teeth. You grimaced and looked over at the man in front of you, trying take in his features. He was also hooded, but you could see his messy black hair, those same bright blue eyes, but the bottom half of his face made your blood run cold. It was extremely discolored, and from the corner of his lips to his ears, was a poorly stitched pattern, as if it was the only thing holding the two halves together. Who the hell were these people? The girl finally let go of your cheeks and you gasped, finally stretching your jaw and blurting out your question.

"Who, are you?"

"Like we'd tell you."

The man's lip twitched and he folded his arms, looking over to the front of the carriage and calling out to its driver.

"Hey, Lizard, how much further?"

"I have a name, Dabi."

The man named Dabi hissed and glanced back at you, his eye twitching before climbing up to the front to yell at his companion.

"I just said we weren't going to tell her who we were..."

The man disappeared behind the curtain and you were left alone with the blonde, who hummed quietly as she played with your hair. A chill ran up your spine as her humming got closer and closer to your ear, and suddenly you felt her breath against your skin. You opened your mouth, trying not to let your voice shake as you spoke.

"Wh-What's your deal? Who are you?"

The girl pouted and turned you around, crossing her legs and pulling down her hood to adjust her hair. It was pulled up into two messy buns, and she took one out to redo it, speaking quietly.

"Who am I? I'm just a girl looking for people to love-"

Looking back down at you without moving her head, she smiled happily, unaware that you didn't care.

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