Chapter 38

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"You...want to ask about, Egaby?"

You stared in disbelief as Midoriya nodded, pulling over a small table to hold his journal over his lap. His eyes lit up in excitement, but he held no smile, as if this were educational, but not a lighthearted topic.

"Yes, anything about it. The history you were taught, the current trading system, political information. Anything you know, even if it seems unhelpful."

You blinked, your eyes narrowing as you raised an eyebrow. Bakugou looked down, feeling your grip on his hand tighten.

"What do you mean, unhelpful. What are you looking for?"

"(F/N), Egaby has been off the record and out of history for decades. Even the Royal Library in Enjeer only had a few notes on it, and half of them had been destroyed. You-"

Midoriya sighed, apologizing for going overboard, and you shook your head, telling him to continue.

"You are the first Egabian to set foot anywhere else in the country for over a century, and probably the first in Mirag, ever. Any information to be collected about your culture and who you and your people are, would be groundbreaking."


Uraraka tapped her fingers together, slowly sliding down onto the ground next to Midoriya. He inhaled, apologizing again.

"I'm sorry, (F/N), I'm treating you like a spectacle, and I know you don't want to-"

"It's fine. I can answer any questions, if, you promise that you'll answer mine."

Midoriya looked up from his journal, getting trapped in a staring contest with you. You stared him down, your eyes darkening in irritation.

"And I mean, all of them, Deku."

"G-Got it. I can answer to the best of my ability."

Gods, you were almost like Kirishima. What had he been teaching you? You smiled and nodded, motioning to Bakugou to scoot over as you crawled into his crossed legs, sitting in his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist and he leaned his head down on your shoulder as you crossed your arms, humming to yourself.

"So...Egaby; the capital of isolation. Where should I start?"

"Just start with what you know about it's history."


You looked off and around the room, looking at the maps that decorated the walls of the tent. They were all decorated with symbols representing forests, lakes and rivers, cities, villages, even forks in the roads. They were all detailed, except for the bottom Southeastern corner. The Southeastern corner was barely covered, empty and bare as you let out a just as empty sigh.

"Egaby, um...well, growing up, the elder in my village would teach us history in between our other lessons. When we were very, very young, we were told that we couldn't leave past the ostracization border because there were monsters that would eat us alive. However, when you reached a certain age, we were told the least, what I thought was the truth."

"And what did you think the truth was?"

You stood up, dropping Bakugous arms and hugging yourself as you walked around, looking at the finer details in the maps.

"I thought that the King before King Endeavor had cheated his way into power, and that he had he had a resentment towards us for not helping as much as the other peoples during the war."

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