Chapter 2

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The soft crackling sound of another fire made its way into your ears as you slowly opened your eyes. The view was blurry for a moment but you blinked to remove the sleep, sitting up and rubbing your eye tiredly. The boy was crouched over the fire pit, cooking in a small metal pot. Who knew he would have civilized things like cooking utensils. His cape still wrapped around your body and you pulled it tightly, staring at his bare back with a soft blush on your cheeks.

He turned around and you immediately looked away, wincing when he tossed a small wooden bowl at you, leaning over to fill it with what he had made. It spilled into the bowl and steam hit your face, a spicy aroma burning your nose as you inhaled. It was a deep red and small chunks of...something floated to the top, making you swallow nervously. He muttered in an annoyed tone under his breath, grabbing his own bowl and filling it before falling down next to you.

He inhaled the new food, making you wonder if he was even tasting it. You looked down and brought the bowl to your lips, tipping it to drink it the way he did. Immediately the hottest flavor you could imagine scorched your mouth, making you pull the bowl back to cough. You rummaged through the bag nearby and grabbed your canteen, downing the lukewarm water inside. The blonde laughed before commenting in a mocking tone, as if he were making fun of you for not being able to handle your breakfast. You glared back at him and inhaled sharply, closing your eyes and poured the rest of the bowls contents into your mouth. Just ignore the burn, it'll be fine.

Your stomach tried to reject the foreign meal but you held it down with more water, throwing the empty bowl at the blonde boy as he continued to laugh. A hiccup escaped your throat and you groaned, taking another drink as he walked around the campsite, gathering his things. When he passed you, he ripped the cape from your body and you whined as the morning cold attacked your skin. He threw it over himself and waved you off, motioning for you to stand up as he kicked the flames out. You tossed your few things back into your bag and furrowed your brows, standing up slowly and slinging the bag over your shoulder.

"Are you, leaving?"

He glanced over at you, and shrugged, letting you know he had no idea what you were talking about, and you sighed. He kept walking but completely turned around to face you, barking at you and pointing behind him. He wants you to follow him. Tightening your grip on your bag, you reluctantly jogged over, slowing down to walk alongside him. The silence was downright eerie; the sounds of the forest filling in the awkward quiet between the two hunters.

After almost two hours of walking, with the only responses between you and this hunter were small coughs and attempts to start a conversation, you pulled out your map. The paper was old; it was one of the only world maps your village owned, and it was faded to death. The only things you could still see clearly were crossroads, mountains, rivers, and forests, but no words and only faint towns and capitals. You squinted at it and turned it sideways, hoping to see anything that looked similar to the road you walked on through the forest, but nothing came close.

Suddenly an idea sparked in your mind as you skipped ahead to walk closer to the boy, holding the map out in front of him. He stared at and glanced over at you, refusing to stop walking. You pointed at the map, and then to him, then back to the map, offering it to him and prayed he understood what you wanted. The blonde rolled his eyes and snatched the map from your hands, scanning it before crumpling it up and tossing it behind him. You whined and jumped for it, flattening it out against your thigh before glaring at the boy, jogging to catch up with him. You stood in front of him and he bumped into you, narrowing his eyes as you pointed to your village and spoke slowly.

"Egaby, going, to-"

Your finger slowly moved southwest along the roads but stopped halfway.

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