Chapter 17

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"...Bakugou! Bakugou, where are you?"

You loudly whispered in a sing-song tone, walking down the streets of the sleeping city. The medicine Kirishima had helped you apply was a miracle, and the splint helped keep your broken arm from bending anymore than it already had. The cloak you bought was snug and kept you warm as you made your way through alleys and open crosswalks.

"Bakugou Katsuki- come on, I know you're around here somewhere-"

A gentle tap on your shoulder made you whip around, the cloak flowing and twisting around your legs. What was that? You squinted into the dark, trying to see into the areas the moon didn't light up. Was that seriously your imagination? You turned back around, furrowing your brow and continuing to head the way you were orginally going. The next street was even more lit up as the buildings moved further apart. Off in the distance, you could hear the rushing of the man made dams and nighttime workers. Maybe he went off towards the water-

You spun around again, the same tapping on your shoulder coming from the darkness. A light movement caught your attention out of the corner of your eye, and you called towards it.

"Who's there? Who the hells following me? Come out!"

You narrowed your eyes as a quiet chuckle came from inside the alleyway, and a thin strip of material shot towards you. You threw one arm up to block whatever was flying at your face, but instead the material wrapped around your body, slowly pulling you towards the darkness. The laughing got louder the closer you got to it, and finally the source of whoever was hiding came into view.

It was a young man, maybe a year or two older than you, with purple hair slicked back into a mess, and deep, tired, purple eyes that almost glowed in the darkness. He had a smile on his lips that burned with a weird intimidation. The material that wrapped around your back pulled you close enough until you were inches from him, making you glare up at him as he spoke.



"Are you lost?"

You stammered and the material fell limp, pulling back and wrapping around his neck like a scarf. Was he making it move like that? Your eyes followed the flowing scarf until it laid still, and then you answered him.

"I- No, I'm not lost...just, looking for my friend.."

He smiled wider and you felt your head grow a little fuzzy. Was it the lack of sleep? You shook off the feeling and winced when you felt the boys arm wrapped around your shoulder, and you looked away. You were walking in the direction you were originally going before being stopped, but now you were walking with him? When did you start walking? Weren't you just talking to him? You looked up and weakly shrugged out of his arm, raising an eyebrow as he continued to walk at your side.

"Who even are you?"

"My names Shinsou, Hitoshi. What about you?"

"(L/N), (F/N)..."

There was that fuzzy headache feeling again. When you looked around at your surroundings, your eyes widened. The buildings were different, the street was smaller, and you were no longer near the dam. This is getting weird. You looked to your side and saw Shinsou, still walking next to you, whistling nonchalantly.

"Hey, Shinsou..."

"Yeah? What's up (F/N)?"

"Where are we?"

You blinked and your head stung for a moment, and when you opened your eyes, you were in front of the Yuuei Inn. You looked up at it in shock and then to Shinsou, who leaned against the burnt out lamppost with a shrug.

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