Chapter 56

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"Oi, wake up."


You blinked tiredly, looking around as Bakugou sat cross legged next to you, holding his head in his hands.

"It's morning, we should get up."


Both of your eyes widened as you quickly sat up, staring at each other as you shouted.

"You understand me?!"

"You can talk to me?!"

You squealed and jumped into Bakugous arms, hugging the prince as he almost fell backwards, using one hand to prop himself up. You kissed his cheek and he tilted his head to face you better, kissing your lips as his smile grew wider and wider.

"M-Maybe it had something to do with that drink?!"

"I don't know, but I'll thank the Gods later; right now-"

Bakugou leaned forward, toppling you both into the blankets as he hovered over you.

"Right now, I want to tell you everything."

Your heart pounded against your chest, pulling Bakugou back into a kiss as he kept his hands at your sides, inching further and further down until his body was brushing against yours.

"(F/N), I've wanted to tell you with full understanding for so long, I love you so much. You don't know how much you've affected my world."

"I love you too, Katsuki. I don't know exactly when it hit me, but I know you're one of the most important aspects of my life right now."

Bakugous lip quivered and you gasped, kissing him again and pulling him into a deep hug, running your hand through your hair.

"Pl-Please don't cry, Katsuki!"

"I'm not crying! Sh-Shut up!"

When he leaned back, you saw his reddening eyes, the splotchy red color filling his cheeks and the tips of his ears, and you laughed as he continued to growl at you. He pinched your cheeks and muttered a little threat, one you could finally understand as he hugged you again.

"There's so many things I want to tell you, and now-"

"Oi, wake up you two."

You both froze, looking around your surroundings as your eyes widened. The bed...was the only thing in the area. The world around you was dark and hazy; not the bedroom you had been staying in. You blinked slowly, looking back over to Bakugou as his eyebrows began to furrow, the blissful blush and excited expression leaving his face.

"It's...not real."

"No, no this has to be real. You're different than the Katsuki I talked to when we were separated."

"You talked to me?"

"...In my dreams."

Now you were the one hiding your embarrassed face, whining as Bakugou laughed and fought your arms away, pinning them at your sides so you couldn't hide yourself. He leaned down and pecked at your lips, chuckling quietly and with a saddened heartbreak in his tone.

"I'll admit, I talked to you my dreams."

"Oi, (F/N)? ӉЄҰ, БДҜҴԌөҴ, ѠДҜЄ Ҵҏ..."

You looked at eachother again, the familiar voice of Kirishima echoing somewhere off behind you. You sighed and shook your head, kissing Bakugou once more, before pulling him into a tight hug, forcing him against you.

Fantasy Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now