Chapter 48

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"My name is Bakugou Katsuki, I am from Mirag. I am...I'm ready."

Yaoyarozu stared at Bakugou from behind her desk, chuckling at his broken dialect. Mina Ashido laid boredly on the sofa, her leg up and dangling over its back as she yawned.

"WӉҰ's Ӊe want tө ℓearn tӉЇs ℓanguage anҰwaҰs?"

"Why are you asking me when he's right here?"

The pink tinted girl huffed and went back to pretending to sleep, trying not to laugh at the prince as he pronounced things wrong. He repeated words he knew by heart, telling Yaoyarozu about the sky, the sky earths, trees, and when the sun rises and sets. He said he hated Deku and that he knew when people were dressed or not by asking them. The black haired girl sighed and looked down at her own book, trying to find some connection between all the things he knew.

"It's like you were just given random lessons, but at least you can give a good introduction. Okay...let's try this, right here."

She leaned over the desk, turning the book to the beginning and pointing to one of the first pages. Bakugou leaned over as well, reading off the paper and trying to get each sound right.

"Hello, my name is Bakugou. Whut is your name? I'm...I'm Bakugou Katsuki, and you are? Haow are you doing? I am, doing...good, well, fine."

"You pick these things up fast, but repeating words and phrases, and having an actual conversation, are two different things."

Yaoyarozu waved to call Bakugous attention back to her, smiling softly as she spoke. Her voice was slow, sounding more like a mother teaching her child how to speak, rather than a Knight.

"My name is Yaoyarozu Momo, it's nice to meet you. What is your name?"

"My name is Bakugou."

"And how are you, Bakugou?"

"I am, good. I'm good."

She continued to converse with him, pointing to the question she was asking as he squinted, reading the words scribbled on the pages.

"Where are you from, Bakugou?"

"I am from Mirag."

"And where are you, now?"

"ѠӉЄЯЄ...ДӍ Ї ҋөѠ, өӉ, I am from Okamoto."

"No, it's 'in', I am in Okamoto now."

" in Okamoto."


Bakugou sat there smiling down at the book, hearing the word both you and Kirishima used with him so often while teaching him. His smile began to waver, almost expecting you to come around and ruffle his hair, and his lips fell back into a frown when he realized that word would be the only praise he would receive.



The prince muttered under his breath, turning the page as he said it again. Bakugou looked up and met Yaoyarozus eyes, repeating the word as she hummed quietly.

"Perfect; it means when something is as good as it can possibly be. Nothing is perfect, but it's often used to describe when things are done or made well, like you learning!"

"(F/N) is perfect."

Yaoyarozus shoulders fell as she tilted her head, looking over to Mina. The pink tinted girl sat up slightly, shrugging as she spoke, not even bothering to be discreet.

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