Chapter 44

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"Are you doing okay, Shoto?"

"Yeah...I'm fine. Let's keep going-"

You looked back and smiled weakly at the prince, seeing him leaned against a rock and painting quietly.

"We've been walking for hours, and the sun is almost set. Come on, there is a river up ahead, and I think it's...The Arcan River."

You studied the map, showing the prince where you had been, where you were, and where you were going, making Todoroki sigh and hang his head.

"That's...quite a distance."

"Do you not travel often?"

Todoroki stood up and readjusted his clothes, pouting at the blood stained clothes from the incident earlier that day.

"No, I do. Just, Uraraka usually teleports us, or we have horses..."

You glanced down at the blood stains and hummed, pointing off ahead of both of you. The prince sighed and continued up the hill, stopping at the top as he looked down at the river off in the distance.

"We can rest at the Arcan River, okay? I can wash those clothes of yours too, if you'd like."

Todoroki stared at you, a blush resting on his cheeks from the heat, and he sighed, nodding as you once again began the trek down towards the river. You looked off in the distance, past the water and seeing the Lake of Enjeer, narrowing your eyes. Behind the lake sat the capital, and you frowned, remembering everything that had happened there. If you went back, would things be different? Todoroki reluctantly said he wanted to go back...but should you? You came out of your own mind when Todoroki poked at you, motioning to the capital.

"Did you like the capital?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. It was...interesting."

You told Todoroki about how you had stayed at the Yuuei Inn, how you had met Shinsou Hitoshi and Aizawa Shota, and how you ended up meeting with the King. Todoroki rolled his eyes slightly at the mention of his fathers name, and you pouted, looking off nervously.

"Everyone...has their own histories. Is there a reason you don't like him?"

The Prince hesitated, looking down at his hand before bringing it up to the scar covering most of his left side.

"It's...a tragedy not worth telling."

You watched the prince remove his hand, seeing it shaking slightly as he stared back at you deadpan. You nodded in understanding, apologizing for prying as he brushed you off, telling you it was okay. The walk became silent again, listening to the wind rustling the tall grass that trailed on for miles around you. Eventually, the sound of water came into earshot, and you both groaned, happily picking up the pace as the idea of taking a break became reality.

"Hey, (F/N)?"


Todoroki opened his mouth, hesitating once again, before shaking his head, muttering out a quiet 'nevermind'. You wanted to question him, but stopped yourself when the riverbank came into view. Shouting happily, you grabbed Todorokis hand and started to run, pulling the prince along the pathway and into the sandy sediment near the edge of the river. It bubbled lazily, the speed of the water almost stagnant as you jumped into the shallow area, lifting up your skirt to keep it dry as you danced along the edge.

"Finally, a chance to relax."

You sighed happily and tossed the map back into your bag, throwing both near a rock as you cracked your knuckles, looking around.

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