Chapter 6

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The small waves of the river crashed lightly against the rocky bank as your eyes fluttered open. You groaned tiredly and sat up, rubbing your eyes and noticing the empty spot beside you. Looking over, you saw Bakugou crouched near the fire, the deer severed into pieces next to him. He called out to you in an irritated as usual tone, beckoning for you to come over and eat.

You yawned and stood up, stretching away the pain of sleeping on the ground and made your way over to him. As you sat down next to the boy, you pointed at the material still wrapped around his torso, looking at him questionably.

"Is it better?"

He growled out a response, still annoyed that you acted like he could understand you, but he nodded, patting it and speaking in a more optimistic tone. Bakugou handed you a bowl of mystery, and you smelled it, weary of the last couple times you had eaten his cooking. It smelled mild, and you hesitantly sipped it, your eyes widening in surprise. Wasn't spicy at all. You looked back over at him as he began to eat, and smiled. His eye twitched and he spoke sarcastically, closing his eyes to avoid looking at you and your wide grin.

After the two of you had finished the meal he made, you made your way to your travelers bag and fished around, trying to find the spare outfit you brought. It may not have been a necessity, but you weren't sure how long the trip was going to be, and now you were even more unsure. You tossed the folded clothes to the side and reached in for more items, including a brush and a small rag.


You called over to him, carrying your things against your chest and pointed down the riverside. He stared at you and then looked to the water, shrugging his shoulders and waving you off, giving you the "I don't care what you do" look. You called his name again in a more stern tone, and began to mime; the only way he could truly understand you. Pointing at him, then your side, and then to the rushing water.

"Clean your wound."

He rolled his eyes but your glare made him nod, and he felt at the bandages as you walked off, leaving to finally bathe for the first time during your journey.

Bakugou peeled off the sticking material and grimaced, uncomfortable at the feeling, but his eyes widened in awe as he saw his wound had almost completely sealed itself. It was messy with dried blood and small patches of the medicine the girl had applied, but other than that, it looked fine. His vision trailed up to watch his traveling companion as she walked away, and then back at his side, touching the wound in amazement. Was she some sort of witch?

You made your way out of sight and stretched again, humming as you tossed your things onto a rock jutting out of the river. You continued to hum a song from your village, undressing and stepping into the cold water. The drop in temperature made bumps quickly form across your body, but it felt relieving on your aching muscles. You sighed happily and waded deeper into the river, staying in the slower area as you sunk down to submerge your entire body beneath the liquid.

"I've missed this."

You swam over to the rock, grabbed your rag and brush, and began to clean yourself, brushing the tangles out of your (H/L) hair and rubbing the dirt out of your nails and skin. Your village didn't live near a large river like this, but it did have small ones that lead into a big watering hole, that eventually drained out into a river you had never seen. Thinking about this, you felt your heart sink again with that shameful feeling. You had barely seen the world. Here was (F/N)(L/N) (age) years old and never even travelled a hundred miles out of your birthplace. What a waste of a life.

"But I'm travelling now."

You reprimanded yourself and shook your head, smacking your arm with the brush.

"I shouldn't be thinking like that! Look at me, seeing the world, saving my town, that's more than what most people would do in ten lifetimes!"

You smiled to yourself and huffed with pride, diving under the water to scrub your hair and face. The cold liquid engulfed your body, plugging your ears as little bubbles floated from your nose to the surface. You opened your eyes and stared up at the sun through the waters surface. It was hazy, but it reminded you of home. From under the water, it looked like the watering hole, it looked like home. Why were you thinking this way? You rose to the surface and gasped, coughing and rubbing the water out of your eyes. Maybe you were homesick? Who knows...


A voice called out quietly from behind you, and you froze. Slowly turning around, your eyes widened, and you screamed.


Bakugou watched her walk away and he kicked out the fire, making his way to the riverside and stared deeply into the water. He didn't want to get in it, but he knew if he didn't try to clean off his wound, she would only force herself onto him to help. It was too early in the morning for that. He groaned to himself and kicked off his boots, taking two steps into the freezing water. He inhaled sharply at the stinging liquid, hesitating and taking a step back before huffing through his nose and moving back into the shallow riverside. The water was freezing and bumps creeped up his legs, making him grimace at the feeling yet again. Bakugou crouched down and began to scoop water into his calloused hand, bringing it up to his wound to rinse it off. He hated full on bathing, but cleaning this gash off wasn't to much of a pain.

As Bakugou cleaned it, he realized it was even more healed than he had thought before. The skin was clearing, with a large scar where the open wound originally was. He smiled to himself as he quietly thanked (F/N) for her medicine, but then he shook his head, smacking his other hand against his forehead. She should be thanking HIM, she's done one thing, sure, but he's letting her travel with him! His running thoughts were interrupted when he heard a scream echoing far along the riverside. His eyes narrowed for a second, and then widened.


He scrambled over and grabbed his sword in sheath, racing down the riverbank. His eyes scanned the area wildly, trying to find her. How far did she go? Finally he caught up to a small group of people, and his eyebrows furrowed, looking down to see his companion covering herself behind a rock, tears forming in her eyes. He growled and stared at the travelers in anger. They all stared back with blank or nervous expressions, except for one, and it made Bakugous heart race. The stranger smiled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Hey Kacchan...long time no see?"


You looked up from behind the rock with wide eyes and stared at the stranger and then at Bakugou, confusion covering your face.


Bakugou glanced at you and huffed.


Everyone turned to you at this point, making you crouch further behind the rock in the water. Bakugous expression slowly became more and more hellish as he ripped the sword from its holder, spitting out his next word with venom in his tone.


'Deku' slowly moved his hand to his own sword, although clearly not wanting to fight. Another stranger stared in boredom at the blonde boy, as if he were already used to this animalistic attitude. His hair and eyes were both heterochromatic, and he spoke softly with a small grin on his face.


A short girl in a warlocks cloak snorted and patted the boys arm, trying to hold back a laugh. Another boy in knights armor scolded the two who were chuckling to themselves, telling them this was no time for jokes. As they bickered, Bakugou and the one named Deku were staring each other down, one smiling widely and the other gritting his teeth. You stared at the scene in front of you and felt your eye twitch.

What the hell was going on?!

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