Chapter 22

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It was dark.

It was damp.

And it was cold.

Very. Cold.

You shivered and breathed onto your hands, rubbing them together to try and create more warmth. Kirishimas teeth chattered as he pulled up his scarf to cover his jaw, trying to ignore the cold. The hall was quiet, with only the sounds of your footsteps, shaking breath, and chilling wind that blew past you. All three of your footsteps echoed along the thin hall, drumming in your ears that began to sting with pain from the cold. You turned around to check on Bakugou, who was walking behind you, and opened your mouth slightly to speak.

"H-Hey Bakugou, are you-"

Before you could finish asking, the blonde sneezed right in your face, making you turn back around with a disgusted face, wiping the gross remnant off your face.


Kirishimas walking began to slow, and eventually came to a halt, making you stop right behind him.

"Is everything alright Kirishima?"

Bakugou bumped into you, causing you to stumble forward and bump into the red head, who chuckled slightly. His laugh was clearly to hide any distress, but it was easily noticeable how strained and fake it was.

"Oh! Yeah, everything is fine! It's just, we don't take very kindly to the cold, and I'm not sure how much longer this path is..."

You bit your cheek and hummed irritably, trying to think of something you could do. Kirishima began to walk forward again, his arms forming goosebumps before you stopped him.

"Wait, Kirishima!"

Your mind screamed for you to stop, but you didn't hesitate in taking off your cloak, tossing it over to the dragon boy. His eyes widened and he shook his head, extending his arm to hand the thick material back.

"No way (F/N). I'm not taking this from you-"

"You don't have a choice, Kirishima, I don't want it."

You put one hand on your hip and tapped your foot, backing up as Kirishima tried to push the cloak onto you once more. You dodged to the right, and then to the left, giggling as Kirishima sighed and hung his head, slowly putting on the gift you had offered him.

"This is ridiculous, (F/N)(L/N)."

"No, this is hilarious."

The red head threw up the large hood and glared over at you, angry that you had used his own words against him. You hummed and brushed up against him before continuing down the hall, descending another small set of stone stairs.

"I'm from Egaby anyways, we get a terrible winter every few years, I've seen about three in my life now."

Kirishima jogged to catch up to you, keeping the cloak wrapped tightly around him as Bakugou sneezed again, groaning to himself.

"Every few years?"

"Yeah! And I've gone hunting in those times, sometimes wearing clothes even less warm than this."

You brushed off your pant leg and held out the bottom hem of your shirt, feeling the warm fur lining underneath. Deep down, you were in fact freezing, and you wanted that cloak back badly, but Kirishima has done so much for you in the time that you've known him, this was only one small step in repaying him. The red head chuckled again, this time much more genuine sounding.

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